Wednesday, September 4, 2019

DOJ: 3704895 - The.Anti-Christ Hate Crimes Conspiracy

World Day of Attonement
Battle of Armaggedon Averted
The Key Note - @U.N. 1996
All I can say is I was there.

Who is Chaka Zulu?

The two screenplays

1. The Apostle - is the Baptism of Jesus
2. Everybody has Demons - written before the events - the Barrack Obama Administration. He is Timothy Shands of 41-03 10th St. Apt. 5D. He was the person who Baker Act me over 50 times since 2009
846 files or investigations under my name.
I was found to be in sound mind and memory by a panel of Judges in Orlando, FL. And declared a Martha Mitchell Effect Victim.
Meaning they intentionally lied and said I was crazy to destroy my creditability as a witness. My testimony qualifies.

Fact at age 15 on the block
41st. Side of Vernon Blvd. I was crucified by Queensbridge and the event is on Video - for the world to see.
The beat me Wilson and Rucker, my two sons almost the death. Then before the lethel blow, I said you cannot touch me no more. Then I told them, they cannot touch me anymore and as long as you hold on to me, they cannot touch you either. If I fall, we all fall together and when I get up, we all get back up to together. This is the real footprints.
Their legs were broken, so I had to carry them to 41-03 10th Street.

Then I was sentenced to perpetual humiliation of 44 years and now I AM 60 years old and they ran out of tricks in their bag of tricks.

Now as a result of their hatred towards me, I cured every know humankind disease but ZIKA is not humankind but of mankind or sterilization. They are doomed because I cannot catch ZIKA for my anti bodies to destroy it

The blood type is AB+ and Hector Elizondo says his is O-
I cannot catch ZIKA - Zionist Islamic Killer Abstract. They judged themselves..

I guess Blond Eva leads by example. She tied her tubes. As a teen, she came to me as Sherley, my older woman and made me out of a joke
Out of all my children just as old as me, it had to be her? Why?

I saw Claudia pass me by on Skid Row, her remarks, as she walked her puddel dog, she says to the dog, how you know this is my man and walked on by and laughed, as to say she and the dog is a package deal?

Marva Hutchinson is these
Claudia Jones files, so I have to wonder, who is the real Claudia, we know Yeah-Yeah is a lie, my first Spirit child is Maria Theresa who was there with in in Avon Park and Marva was obviously there for me. So who is Maria Theresa twin. Who mothered Tyra and Aliyah, John and Marlin and Solonge and Ciara? I saw Maria raising Solonge. Who is the real Claudia?

And again I sleep in a homeless shelter, this moment. I AM Michael Jackson, Prince, Marvin Gaye, Moriis Day, the Gap Band, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, AC-DC, you name it, James Brown, Elvis Presley, sly and the Family Stone, I AM Larry Graham the leader of the band, Jermaine Jackson, the Ohio Players, I AM Sugar Foot, I AM Mercedes and Cryseler and never had a new car, own every Marriott International and Ritz Carlton and never was even allowed to spend on night in one. I AM Boeing, IBM, Jet Blue, Greyhound, AMTRAC and have not a pot to piss in, because nobody knows me and I have more FBI files than everyone. So I can honestly say, I really do not care about this world everyone enjoyed but me. I do not care if this whole planet was to burn to ashes
I got me somewhere I can go if it do

And it was me, JFK and RFK who went to the moon and Neil Armstrong will testify to this fact.

I really walked on the moon

By Age 16 I was singing Zoom and how I just want to fly away, a song about a youngster who was hated so bad he just wanted to fly away from here.

And  44 years later nothing changed for the better it just got worst, except for flying away is an option, but Satan said himself, his time is up and he is going to take all you no good evil doers with him.
I hope you enjoyed your ride, you reap what you sow.
Hear my interview of the Devil for your no good fucking self
And I hate this fucking world and his success will be my fucking day of glory.

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