Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Journey Human - F.E.E.T.

The Journey Human - F.E.E.T.

Faith is like Knowing without knowing you know who you know, but you know, you know.  How is that?

When you do what you do not want to do, but do anyway, get into situations around people you do not want to be round, in situations you do not want to be in, but somehow, you always know what to do and find your way out of it. Be in so much pan you cannot endure anymore.  Wakeup and feel better and can say with honesty, the pain I endure was worth the listen I learn, knowing pain is only a memory, you forget the memory you forget the pain.  Wakeup and see yourself at a junction, knowing your search is for love and you must move on forward to some degree.

And you say after all you endure and still have more travelling to go, "Father, thank you for choosing me."  You know you are a spirit being, but you might not remember who is who, but you know you know.

1. In New York City is the Park Department Recreation.  One is located on 23rd street next the the VAMC.  For $25 per year, you can join and use the facilities all over New York City and take a shower, they I was told have Wi-Fi and an indoor pool.

2. 7/11 is everywhere now an stays over 24/7.  Anything with a bar code can be purchased with food stamps - EBT.

3. It is against Religion doctrine to submit to psychiatry.  Never answer to them. All they are out to do is say you are crazy and wherefore cannot bear arms, placing you at the mercy of lawlessness enforcement.

4. Self Storage cost about $50 per month. If you get a Welfare case open, you will pay for storage.

5. A Human once told me, I do not buy food.  I ask then how do you eat. Soup Kitchens. Know the local soup kitchens and break bread and know the head count. What happened to so and so, he eat here every Sunday.

6.On 30th street between 7th and 8th Ave, right by the MSG and Penn Station is an overnight shelter drop in center. You can sleep there and show there everyday without limits from 9 PM to 6  PM.  Steer away from homeless programs - They often require you to be diagnosed as a nut case and once they get you into that crazy world they will try to keep you disenfranchised until you die and they will kill you with crazy medications they force on people, because nobody is buying that shit.

7. If asked how are you doing, never say fine of good, don't lie, just say, :It's getting better", or "Its got to get better."  Liars end up post ordained.

A Human was eating breakfast with his family and his little daughter dropped her bacon.  She was teething and was just sucking out the sodium.  She went to crying and he felt bad, he worked all week and could only buy one pack of beacon that week and had no more beacon to give her. So her momma kissed the beacon to God and said it is clean baby you can eat that beacon. But they told her to never eat off the floor, you know germs, but she knew she just cleaned that floor real good.  So she would not eat off the floor and cried and cried over that beacon.

He had to go to work at that dead end job and walked out his home feeling really down and out. So as he walked out the door - a man who did not live in the neighborhood saw him coming out and knew he was down and out and asked him, Good morning, how do you feel? and he said fine.  By time he walked around the corner he was post ordained. One lie became 1,000 lie times 1,000 people until everybody became a liar.  Be carful what you ask and in front of who you ask. Do not make a liar out of  friend or have him tell the enemy about what is on his mind or how he feels.

Wherefore, human is the head of Huwoman Christ is the head of Human and God is the Head of Christ.

A human sees on his monitor "A Virus" then a count down 10, 9 8, 7, SO he presses the shut off button to prevent his software from being infected.  He had a choice all the time.  The promise is, if I do what the Father tell me to do and say what the Father tell me say, at the end I will find love. I always had a choice, but I chose to walk by faith and not by sight.  God is the head of Christ and within all who are one in the Father - You are also one in Christ, but God is the head.

DBA Jesus Christ is Chaka Zulu

Monday, April 9, 2018

The Foundation of the Royal Budget

The Foundation of the Royal Budget

1. Anything blessed God gets 10%
2. The recovery of $250 Trillion liquid
3. $20 Trillion Gold
4. The Department of Corporations

Under the New Preservationist Economic Structure.  Taxation is unconstitutional.  However, let me briefly explain Governance Funding.

1. I get 10% of the recovery or about $27 Trillion and of that 10% goes to the royal budget being $2.7 Trillion.
2. The new currency will be the Blue Dough
3. Its valuation  is based on the S.A.P.P.  - This calculation based on statistical data is complex.  But in general term the valuation of currency is based on Society - The Security of the people, the production process, Property and the agenda.
4. Each member of the royal family the Queendom Queens gets Z3,000 per day purchasing and Z500 cash. Need more let the accountant know. The rational is you can only lose about Z3,500 per day if you lose track or cards.  But what can you buy with it anyway. Currency is for those who need to buy someone else's stuff.
5. At current the Blue Dough is worth about 100 times the dollar. Why? The dollar was based on gold and the currency was based on insurance and they was moving things with drugs.  That is the basis of the recovery. They could not do anything without me legitimate investments.
6. First I took back the National Community Network, INC. Everything in that account went into Wells Fargo. But the key was Eminent  Domain of all nonprofits.  All corporations are nonprofit.
7. .com = Governance shares payable   .org = exempt  .net = Personal expressions  .gov = Government 
8. Governance shares payable is based the agenda set forth.
9. The Liquid currency - I opened a chase liquid account.  I made it so you can add to it but not take back out of it. That account will be opened for deposits until some time in 2019.
10. Then I turned all the money into the Department of Treasury.  They screwed me up thinking I took out of that account but I got messed up because my direct deposit  went into that account and I was broke like right now and ended up getting arrested on a cold rainy day in need of simple basic stuff.  And that is what this is all about right now.  But I get 10% any damn way, so what was the issue?
11. Food stamps will be the universal currency for food and each member of the family will be allocated Z400 per month. Z = Blue Dough measured in Zews.

I AM not into this right now. Why? I AM James Brown, Michael Jackson, Prince, TWA,  Jet Blue, Donald Trump Construction, INC. I build New York City during the great recession, Elvis Presley, Lockheed and Martin, IBM, Microsoft, Boeing, NASA, Bridgewater and Associates High Risk Hinge Funds, G.O.T.A. DBA Jesus Christ, Chaka Zulu and more and I AM living like shit, because you thought I stole my own shit, while I was being rob by the niggers you broke bread with.

DBA Jesus Christ - G.O.T.A. I AM not into this shit right. And you can have it all, because it don't mean shot to me.

The Strategic Overview

The Strategic Overview

Spy Planes give map photographs based on Heat Density

Population based on Heat Density

This will give a general idea of the amount of people in the United States and their locations. The May Key will tell you about what the population is based on the heat density chart.

Statistics: During WW II. 1) 90,000,000 Germen and Russian forces froze to death on the front line waiting on supplies from Adolf Hitler. 2) 6,000,000 Jews was said to not have died during the Holocaust.

3) At any given time, 90,000 Americans was listed as missing. 4) 90,000,000 registered voters did not vote during the Trump v. Clinton elections in Nov. 2016. 5) In many towns person voted by proxy via internet, mail and other means while not showing up to the poles. 6) 6,000,000 Americans are disenfranchised in America in prisons and other institutions. 7) When Baker Act, you are considered missing for 2 weeks – the 90,000 missing is at a two weeks cycle. 8) Phil: 3:2 a mortal who castrates becomes a cannibal by nature. His blood type O – missing the human protein will make him crave for human protein. 9) Abbott Labs in Columbus Ohio makers of Ensure produces chattel. 10) Green Bay Packing Plants stored Chattel. Chattel means humans for food - was in the bill of rights and is deemed unconstitutional.

NAZI Afrika Amerika – Far Advanced in comparison to NAZI Europe. The term NAZI Germany is to place the blame of the NAZI Party on Normandy, However, Adolf Hitler was said to come out of Austria – The home of Geneva and the home of OPEC and is a Neutral Government.

The U.S. Map tells you state by state locations

The Prison Map gives you the prison population state by state

State Hospital Chart gives General Locations of State Hospitals

There is a correlation in the population index, state hospital locations, prison locations and the current population density.

Mayor Delaney and his World War II Unit

Intel suggest Mayor Delaney, J. Edgar Hoover, Adolf Hitler, Joe Kennedy and Mayor LaGuardia are the same persons. And at the end of the depression Joe Kennedy walked away with $20,000,000 untaxed.

Adolf Hitler married both a male and female. It was left unquestioned. He was recovered in South America and these documents show this document was signed by J. Edgar Hoover, on 6 March 1946. The FBI knew Adolf Hitler was not dead.

J. Edgar Hoover

Death Camps Locations WW II – NAZI Europe

Watch the Movie Auschwitz

The Movie Auschwitz demonstrates that Adolf Hitler is a Myth. When an agent was said to have killed Adolf Hitler and the news got out, the NAZI Jews – Rev: 14.1 Phil: 3:2 – was going to scatter, run and hide. But the NAZI response of Code or Protocol was to mass kill them and place fear in them to remain loyal to the NAZI Party, Read the Map. Auschwitz a death camp and Germany a huge death camp, while Belgium, France, Switzerland and Austria were friendly territories of the NAZI Movement.

Watch the Movie Ani-Matrix

This movie is a conspiracy film in collaboration between, Time Warner, Marvel Comic, Avid and AOL. It tells you their plan, it was a recruitment tool. Terms like Black Plague – I named it AIDS and this is not the first attack with Black Plague. In Hebrew Create means to brand, I named AIDS in Germany during the Winter of 1976-77.

Watch the Movie American Gangster

There was no war in Vietnam. Watch the scene when the General says, “What would people think, if they knew no bodies was in these caskets. This is the scene when the big last shipment came in. Notice the accent. Richard Nixon is Billy Graham.

Due-G – Brown Dope – Must be cut at least 100 times – Blue Magic

Obama Care – Was it Brown Dope?

Who is the real dope kingpin? The Location is across the street from the K.O.G.

The Queensbridge Project – The Birth-Place of Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu – DBA Jesus Christ aka The Rev. Frank Paul Jones – The Messiah

Read: The Grafting of the Devil – Haile Selassie – Heli –H.S.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

RE: VA Regional Office Request Transportation Home:

To: The Department of Veterans Affairs

Manhattan VA Medical Centers

245 West Houston Street

Regional Office

8 April 2018

From: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah

923 S. A. Ave – Order of Zews

Avon Park, FL. 33825

(646) 589-2072

RE: VA Regional Office Request Transportation Home:

Supporting Documents

  1. 3 Social Security Award Letters Dated: 27 June 2017 (Award) $898 Dated: 26 March 2018 (Award) $0.00 – Beginning June 2017 – Not true – Got Award Letter in New York City Dated: 28 March 2018 (Award) $0.00 – Beginning June 2017 – Not True – Got Award Letter in New York City.
  2. Discharge from New York Harbor System – Emergency Room on 21 March 2018 – X-Ray of Chest.
  3. Request for transportation HRA New York
  4. Deed to Home
  5. Lease to House
  6. Greyhound route to Avon Park, FL. 36 hours for $246 – Taking all me over and charging by the mile.
  7. Property Invoices from the NYPD
  8. Department of Justice Hate Crimes Investigation Confirmation and file # 3704895
  9. Property List – Department of Corrections New York City
  10. Schedule for Pick requiring I make an appointment – Property Kept
  11. Hotel Receipt – Days Inn High Point/Archdale – 10002 S. Main Street US, Archdale, NC, 27263 – Dated: 21 December 2017
  12. Bus Ticket from Atlanta, GA to Shreveport, LA – Not honored to destination – Cost $138.00
  13. Bus Ticket from Macon, GA to Avon Park, FL. - Not used – Placed in Detention on 23 December 2017 – Trip scheduled for 30 December 2017. Had to take alternate routes due to being on a bus that was Bus Jack by gang members. Cost $135.00
  14. NYC Human Resources Administration Social Services Case # 007160781 01 01 – I have been living on the streets since coming here for the emergency room on 21 Dec. 2017. They are doing nothing to help me.
  15. 766 NYS2d 610 Chaka Mosi Kamau Zulu v. Egan, 2003

(1 A.D. 3D 649) 790 N.Y.S. 2Nd 614 792 N.Y.S. 671 806 N.Y.S. 2Nd 444 971 N.Y.S. 2Nd 70 998 N.Y.S. 2Nd 305

My certified name is Frank Paul Jones – My name is Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu and Cardinal Thomas J. Egan was the director of DOC when I wrote the letter. I AM the appellant in this case. This is proof they knew who I was when they did these things to me.

I was arrested on 23 December 2017 and was not released until 21 March 2018. Now I have no money and why? They say I was cut off, the records show, if I was cut off they cut me off while in New York City.

I request:

  1. I receive my travel pay. I have not received a dime in travel reimbursement in about 3 years and have been in the hospital several times.
  2. I request the VA send me to AMTRAK Outreach at Penn Station – to send me home by train ASAP. If possible can they honor these bus tickets and get the refund from Greyhound.
  3. I AM supposed to go back to HRA today, they insist on buying me a bus ticket or nothing at all, I AM a hate crimes victim File # 3704895 and I feel it would be very dangerous for me to ride the bus all over the place to get to Avon Park, especially after being kicked off in the middle of nowhere MISSISSIPPI.

Summary Statement

  1. On 25 April 2017 – Arrested at Post Office – After being released from Baker Act. Was held in custody for 6 months without conviction and was not paid restitution.
  2. On 10 October 2017 I was brutally beaten by Federal Police in Augusta, GA VAMC downtown. The X-rays was prove they tried to kill me. My medical records was sent to Augusta, due to the hate crimes against me and my family in Florida. Held until December 2017 – no conviction and was not paid restitution.
  3. On 23 December 2017 – Arrested in New York City again for trespassing – held for 90 days – without conviction and paid no restitution. Was put on the streets – my check said to be stopped and I had nowhere to rest my head since 21 March 2018. Have been sleeping on the subway and the VAMC waiting area without a shower.
  4. The statue of limitation for hate crimes begin when the last one ceases. My condition constitutes an ongoing hate crime in New York City since at least 1973. I got my social security card that year the number is 113-52-5383 = 31 my DOB is 03/04/1959 = 31 the last phonetic alphabet is Zulu. That the latter Zulu and place it at 31 degree vectors and you have the perfect square. I was born in Queensbridge projects and raised in 41-03 and 41-04 10th street. These buildings are 45 feet high and wide and the project is 2 x 3 city blocks or 1,200 feet by 1,800 feet.
  5. The Police Officer at the Social Security Office on 12th street and Ave C. are not Federal Police but private Security. This brings the assumption of fraud and perjury against my accounts. I should have money in my accounts. My account was recently undated at the Augusta, GA., social security office on 10 Oct 2017, the same day I was brutally beaten and arrested.
  6. The Post Office in Avon Park, FL. Federal Jurisdiction, the VAMC in Augusta, GA., Federal Jurisdiction and the Project complex in New York City under HUD, Federal Jurisdiction. And in all three cases I was arrested for trespassing on Federal Property and held in County Detention Facilities.


                                                        Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah

Important Stronghold Positions

Important Stronghold Positions

The New HPA – Health-Care Policy Agency

The New HPA – Health-Care Policy Agency

Says the Corona – Beck Distributors product line meets the requirements to be sold for food stamps EBT. If you understand the rational of scheduling drugs, it was about nutritional value. Many will argue how can we buy Captain Crunch to add to milk in the morning for our children and grown folks cannot enjoy a Beck with their lunch. Wherefore, sugar is certainly more addictive and is targeted towards an UN-emancipated group.

With Corona-Becks Distribution moving forward to placing their product line on EBT under the Laws of services v. prepared and nutritional foods, Subways is looking at placing their sandwiches into the Seven-Eleven Product line. Do not be surprised if you start finding the famous 6 inch subs in Seven-Eleven.

And AMTRAK to get badly needed renovations. The old coach passenger seating is to be replaced with seat much more comfortable. Nd with the some to be released Sony Capstone Zulu Industrial Microwave, with even cook technology. AMTRAK plans to place marijuana into their product line, with smoking section that will be sealed. And they are in talks with KFC – saying it means Kingdom Fried Chicken, whose new recipe is by the Queendom of God.

Under the law of services, while the Supreme Court vetted the law concerning services and food purchases on EBT. Amtrak-is about to serve great meals prepared by KFC and by making these microwaves available to its riders while the Microwave cooks them perfect almost every time is what Sony selling point is, just set it up press the button and POW – Cooked in a few minutes evenly.

AMTRAK is on the verge of being able to once again say, “All Aboard.” With the sales from Marijuana by health insurance and the sales of food by EBT and the subsidization of AMTRAK by the Department of Defense and the added security by the C.O.P., AMTRAK says after many years of holding on and not eating well or days has finally come.

Employees will be eligible for lounging in the Marriott International Nationwide and AMTRAK is about to be fitted with Stainless Steel Mini-Tub/Toilets that do not hold germs and the upkeep is easy.

With Greyhound under RICO investigation and is to be renamed Blue-hound and Services, AMTRAK is working close with Homeland Security to honor UN-used bus ticket purchased by Greyhound but the account has to be verifiable as an insured account and not by cash purchase.

Rapid Deployment – Multi-Task Units – Alert

Breaking News: Q.Q. Tyra – BET – Retail Watch:

See the source image

The Rational of Legality: 7/11 Foods come in pre-packed and sealed – Just like can goods and potato chips. No in-store services required. This system can apply to any self service food item – but still the service fees of resturants is set at about 15% - Food Protection is paying 25% to retailers.

7/11 Leading the new trend – Most food purchases at 7/11 retail stores accept EBT – Food Stamps for payment. Many Fast Food Resturrants are considering getting in on this. The issue of food stamps and cooked food purchases was an issue of service fees and taxation. Taxation is unconstitutional anyway, but when food stamps begun, retialers was given 25% on the $ to accept food stamps seen as a currency for the poor. With food stamps on the verge of becoming the universal currency for food worldwide to protect our food supplies, the taboo of food stamps is gone. And still retailers get 25% on the $ or Z for food purchases.

Seven-Eleven – CITGO – is looking at the new 7/11 Community Retail Stores, selling products at community prices. And updating the menus to be more cultural and the 7/11 retails stores will certainly be a face left to many nieghborhoods and good opportunities for the locales. 7/11 is looking into selling what is called Number Pooling a nonprofit charity ad not gambling which pays 7 to 1 without taxation, 20% will go to finance hotel aka Casinos that will become family venues and 10% goes to th seller stores.

The Rational to legality is there is no need for a gambling Commission or state taxation – Due to te fact this is charity and not a gamble. For example, how could Donald Trump Atlantic City go broke unless the dealers rob the casino. The hands are quicker than the eyse. Gambling is not even gambling to begin with.

The 20% which goes into the hotel and casinos, will be under a system of recreational spending. Once you place funds into these accounts it must be spent on entertainment and there will be a wide range of options, from theaters, shows, travel and such, but not to buy a house or car, it is strickly used as descretionary entertainment spending keeping it all fun and games. The policy is you can even be a cry baby and demand you lost earnings back, they will give it back to to, but you will not be coming back. Capstone Zulus says, he is a sore loser and will proabably not be hanging around those places, unless he gets all winning hands.

Skid Row is mansions and condos: And homelessness is legal, those people on the streets created the demand for funding to help them and then the Gotti Gay Mob stole all the funding, build these condos, turned the mansions into shelters and the last move was to run off the black folks and live large. Now they have to go. The meek will inherit the earth.

Take these postitions today.

  1. Con Edison – L.I.C.
  2. Silver Cup Studios – L.I.C
  3. Staples - 21st street – L.I.C.
  4. Self Storage = 21st street – L.I.C.
  5. Hotels – Best Western and Sleep Inn – L.I.C.
  6. Worldwide: International Theaters – For Time Zone Shows and Concerts
  7. P.S. 76 - L.I.C.
  8. P.S. 111 – L.I.C.
  9. Saint Rita School – L.I.C.

  1. View: Prisons – State Hospital – Population Map – Based on Heat Density – Spy Craft
  2. Photos: QB 30, 35, 36, 45, Skid Row, Theater 1 and 2, Pres. Bill Clinton Letter, P.S. 76, Q.Q. Beyonce Giselle, Rapid Deployment

Exit Plan:

  1. Greyhound becomes Bluehound Transporation and Services
  2. Budget becomes Hertz and Avis Rent-a-car
  3. Marriott International Accommedates Freedom of Press and the Whistle Blower Protection Services by Homeland Security – Hotel Underground railroad – The Gambino Crew of Thomas, Pall and Hall.
  4. VHA Choice Care states if there is no VAMC within 45 mile radius of your home, you have the choice to get healthcare at any VAMC and hostital or doctor of choice. The nearest VAMC was in Orlando, FL., 72 miles from Avon Park. As a result of hate crimes and being unlawfully Baker Act over 40 to50 times since 2009, the Barrack Obama Admnistration, my records was sent to Augusta, GA., where I and my family was to get healthcare. On 10 Oct. 2017, I was brutally beaten by Federal Police outside the Augusta, VAMC Downtown and then taken to a Detention Center unil December of 2017 without a lawful charge, saying I trespass at the VAMC and I AM a veteran and was into a cool off shack placed there for veterans when I was in fact kidnapped.
  5. Throughout my travel in Paul's Journey, nobody listed me as missing and I visited several VAMC and never got any carefare and ended up stranded from town to town.
  6. In December 2017, I was Bus Jack on Greyhound more than once, I had bus tickets that was not honored, due to the fact I was headed originally from Augusta, GA to Avon Park, FL and eneded up in New York City on the run, where I was again arrested for Tresspasing in a Housing Project Complex, where I called 9/11 that morning over a property dispute.
  7. Greyhound is being controlled by streetgangs and must be placed into administrative dissolution. Intel suggest there are very few ticket buyers and the policy of exchange is illegal. They just take your money and kickyou off the bus and end of conversation.
  8. Wherefore, the VAMC has not paid me transporation reembusrement in over 3 years and there was no VAMC within 45 miles of my home of record 923 S.A. Ave – Order of Zews, Avon Park, FL. 33825. By law I was supposed to get 1 way carefare, every time I went to the emergency room in any state at all VAMC = to about $46 per visit.
  9. The VAMC – Under USC ws placed under Executive Authority – G.O.T.A. And not state Governors. Under executive order, I hereby rename every VAMC in the United States and its territories to VHA – Veterans Healthcare Administration. By doing so, there is no VAMC in the Union and wherefore, every veteran now has choice healthcare under the VHA system.
  10. Wherefore, every veteran has the right to transportation reembursement every time they goto any hospital to include a VHA facility. Emergency room is one way back to home of records and an appointment is round trip. That is the law, plus lounging.
  11. Under the agreement VHA and Union agreement, if a veteran does not get his transportation reembursement and lounging at 50% what employees get, there is no deal and no more Union.
  12. I turned over one year back off all VAMC visits to Social Security in Augusta, GA. The VHA and Social Security has my records updated I AM a Martha Mitchell Effect Victim on record, meaning I was inttentionally misdiagnosed as mentally ill to destroy my crediability sothey could rob me. Proof they always knew who I AM is:
  13. Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu v. Egan (2003). The Roman Catholic Church is a Gay Mafias Operation and Egan is Thomas Joseph Egan is Thomas Gallo bka Joseph Gambino and his brother is Crazy Joe Gallo bka Joseph Gambino. Watch the Movie Crazy Joe Gallo, he was a little kid jealous of me Carlo Gambino – crying – You promised me my own family. He was a little kid who was a murderer and his brank made him seem immortal. He was that crew that walked through the front looking crazy – Crazy Joe Gallo.
  14. In California the Gambino Family is called the Gotti Family and they made a move on charity as you will see on
  15. While in Augusta, GA., I turned in an important account: Chase Liquid Account # 76116833
  16. ATM Card #4736 2282 0307 6567 – The amount in it: $250 Trillion
  17. While in Augusta, GA. We recovered $10 Trillion in gold and another $10 Trillion in gold out of Columbia, South America. I was accused of taking out of that Liquid Account – But I got $885 from it that was sent direct deposit to it by Social Security. That was my money. This was cleared up and now they owe me retroactive back to June 2017 to April minus October, I got paid in October and used that money to get out of Augusta, GA. This was the last place I saw my children Mary Jane, NaQuila Linda, Latifah Lisa and Janet Damita and Alicia Ava bka Beyonce Evaly and Alicia Eva. Janet D. and Alicia A. are on my VHA medical records and was placed under HEPA in Augusta, GA to extend my protections to them and NaQuila L. and Mary J. where also placed on the Jesus Christ, INC board as members. But understand there is no trinity laws and I AM the President, Sectretary and Tresurer meaning I can act on my own, had it not been that way, this situation would really be screwed up.
  18. The new AMTRAK policy to exchange Greyhound Bus Tickets at cost paid to be used on AMTRAK. I have my bus ticket for Macon to Avon Park, purchased in Dec. 2017 and they could not honor it, in fact that had no management of security to control those buses.
  19. On Monday, they want me go to the VA Job site in Brooklyn to consider getting me a bus ticket. Fine, but by thenGreyhound will be out of business and those Bus Jacks will be stranded all over the United States.
  20. They plan to pay me on 10 Mar 2017. Fine. But if I was them I'd pay me on the 9th, being my money gets to the account 2 days in advanced. Why? If I do not get paid, nobody gets paid. That is how they play on me, they throw me in jail and I pay for everybodies commissaryand when it comes, everybody gets commissary but me. Everyone gets commissary but me and this time everybody will not get a check in the bank except me. That is how they do me and probably plan to do. Get me on the bus and all over again, I end upbus jack and in some County Detention Center in nowhere USA. I do get paid, nobody gets shit. That is the exit plan, pay me my transporation reembusrement and my money back to June, that is June, July, August, September, November, December, January, Febuary, March and April, plus my transporation reembursement. As for Restitution – Who cares. But if they do notpay me, they are bankrupt.
  21. I was locked up for 90 days, never weived my rights to a speedy trial, was not convicted and never had an arraignment. Placed in AMKC Department where you get 1/3 good time.
  22. My calculation is $1,000 per day restitution, plas $10,000 per day passed my right to a speedy trial which begun on day one, because my accussary ws invalid. I was never lawfully charged of anything. = $1,000 + $10,000 = $11,000 x 1.334 = 1/3 good time x 90 days.

E-Mail Account Verified Registration

  1. Picture ID
  2. ATM or EBT – Must be linked to Human Intel System – Insured
  3. VHA ID – Veterans
  4. Photograph with Cell Phone
  5. Answer questions and send documents as an attachment with cell phone number

Marijuana Prescription and Subscription Protocal

  1. THC and CBD are schedule 3 – in pills, powder and liquid forms – Medicaid, Medicare and VHA – DOD – Healthcare Policies
  2. Marijuana smokable is schedule 5 – recrerational – Starbucks Coffee Pot, Jones Pharmacy Stores - 7th Day Social Clubs
  3. Maximum purchase at one time 1 lb. On interstate ¼ lb. Carry with you amount based on date on purchase. If you buya pound you have 3 days for example to get it to your house. But carry should be regulated to the the date of purchase displayed on package up to ¼ lb at most.
  4. Prescriptions come from the Office of the Surgean General. The Doctor being a Phd, wherefore an MD is a scientist like Dr. Kevin Jackson has a Scientific Degree in both Chemistry and Digital. If a doctor says, you have a 75% of full recovery, this is based on probabilities and that is a philosophy or a Phd. He cannot prescribe drugs, he can subscribe it to the data base and the office of the Surgean General sents that Doctor your prescription information.
  5. Then they most vetted your records to determine misuse or over use of certain drugs. This is the pharmacist job. Then you pick up your marijuana of drugs at the nearby drug store and not at the VHA.
  6. Consumer – Dr. Phd – Subscribe to O.S.G. - Prescription back to Dr. Phd based on supplies and demand – Locale – And Such – Dr. Phd – to Pharmicist – Medical history drug use vetted – Told special insructions – Pick up and neigborhood drug store – not by mail – Issue of drugs being shipped via x-ray sealed – and smell proof through our Postal Services on watch – Alert at Customs.

G.O.T.A. - United Nations Military Forces – One World Government

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Military Permits and Authorities

Military Permits and Authorities


Member Number

Plan Number


Motor Pool - Administration Signature

                                                     Executive Under the War Powers Act

1. Take control and place under our management - Dombler Cryseler
2. Greyhound placed in administrative dissolution due to widespread bus jacking and unethical trade practices.
3. Take Control and place under our management AMTRAK.
4. Take Control and Place under our management Avis, Budget, Hertz car rentals and U-Haul Trucks and storage facilities.

Digital Systems Technologies

Digital Systems Technologies

  • The new media will be 3.0 high speed Flash Drive ROM
  • The new sound format is WMA-Pro 24bit - Blue Book Standard - WMA-Pro uses 5 times less space than Wav. And the same as Mp-3 - Mp-3 is 8 bit - Wav. 16 bit  WMA-Pro 24 bit
  • Hear the difference
  • Breaking News - To Be first major WMA-Pro 32 bit - Blue Book Standard Release the 7 big ones of the Michael Jackson Catalog owned by Capstone Zulu:
  • a. Destiny b. Off the Wall  c. Thriller  d. Bad  e. Dangerous  f.  Blood on the Dance Floor  g. My-Story in Hindsight  Also a new release by Capstone Zulu - Save The World Pt 1. and Pt. 2
  • All one Flash Drive ROM 
  • CSC-E = Commissioned Syndication Colorization Enhancement - Digital conversion from greyscale to color - Linked to WMA-Pro 24 bit sound
  • Capstone Zulu says we have big plans for the Motown catalog and the Vault both the movie and the FBI Vault - Public Information - great references to the development for My-Story in hindsight developing stories and movie productions

Each Lineup Represents a Crew and not one Individual:
The Soul Era Lineup:
Queen of Queens Soul Diana Ross:
Supported by King of Entertainment Michael J. Jackson and Cast:
The Pop Era Lineup
King of Entertainment Michael J. Jackson and Cast:
Supported by Queens of Queens the Rhythm Nation Janet, Queens Queen Elizabeth and Queens Queen Mariah
The R&B Era Lineup
Queens of Queens the Rhythm Nation Janet, Queens Queen Elizabeth and Queens Queen Mariah
Supported by Queens Queen Hip Hop Mary J. Blige, Queens Queen, Queens Queen Beyonce, Queens Queen Alicia
Supported By King of Entertainment Michael J. Jackson® and Cast:
Supported By: The Hip Hop Gangsters and Crews Networking Conglomerate
The Hip Hop Era
Queens Queen Hip Hop Mary J. Blige, Queens Queen, Queens Queen Beyonce, Queens Queen Alicia, Queen Onika aka Nicki Minaj
The Hip Hop Gangsters and Crews Networking Conglomerate
Supported By King of Entertainment Michael J. Jackson® and Cast:
Supported by Queens of Queens the Rhythm Nation Janet, Queens Queen Elizabeth and Queens Queen Mariah
Supported by Queen of Queens Soul Diana Ross
Supported by Queens Queen Hip Hop Mary J. Blige, Queens Queen, Queens Queen Beyonce, Queens Queen Alicia
The New Spiritual
The Queendom of Jesus Paul Jones Messiah®2016
Supported by the National Community Network, INC. & the Corporation®2016
The Agent is God – A Homeland Security & Library of Congress Operation:
The Formation: 
IBM, Microsoft, Sony, Steinberg, The BET 13 Network, OWN, King of IHeartRadio, Motown Records, Goggle, WordPress, Blogger, Facebook, Rhythm Nation – formerly ReverbNation (Myspace Merger), YouTube, Silver-Cup Studios , Paramount Studios, The United Municipalities Union of America, Funded by Bridgewater & Associates, The United Theaters and Concert Venues Union (New),   MJJ Productions, The Marriott International, The Ritz Carlton Luxury Hotels, AMTRAK Love Train Line, Wikipedia, Forbes, Jones and Network formerly Dow Jones & Company and more to be announced.
King of Kings Jesus Paul Jones Messiah – God-

King of Kings Jesus Paul Jones Messiah – Lord of Lords Israel

Powered by Microsoft® – The MJJ Productions® P.O.A. Link

  1. MIS – Microsoft Integration Systems
  2. BIAS – Binary Integration Analog Synth
  3. ASIO – Analog Synth In-Out
  4. BOSE – Binary Isolating Synth Electro = Electro magnetic induction low voltage.
  5. Master – Manager – Supervisor – Slave
  6. S-WDS – Super WI-FI – Discover – Serial
  7. Master Console – By Steinberg and Sony – Allowing Multi-Locale Collaboration

Required Authorities:
  1. Master – A Member of Higher Learning in the Arts and Crafts – Sciences of Sound Production.
  2. E-Licenser Acct. - Steinberg
  3. MIS – Software Application to create and single extension on all internal affairs – MIS
  4. A Master can Operate as a Power User – Taking Responsibility for the media and presentations. This is the entry level of a Paul Castellano Studio User.
  5. Manager Applications are of high but not higher authority Users. Great applications like Tyra Tools, Mariah Strings, Many but limited access authorities to power user applications, but not an official Paul Castellano Power User.
  6. The Master is the controlling processes, the Manager is the one who assigns tasks to the supervisors, hey 10 core to music upload and so forth and the slave has to do what it is told to do and cannot of do not even have the ability to deviate from the plotted process, unless and fail-safe is applied.
  7. From the Paul Castellano Power User Accesses and Authorities to the Stand Alone Applications at full version applications software and linked into the MIS extensions, but much of what makes the Paul Castellano Studio Power User so linked in and informed is the authorization to open access to secured trade agreements and how to do applies in the arena of the Freedom of Press.
  8. The Law – The Science – The Doctrine – The Paul Castellano Studio Power User – Join – Find out if you qualify – A developing Project.

The GPO and the Department of Justice Due Process

The GPO and the Department of Justice Due Process

The Government Printing Office in DCZ - Located near the Bus Station. As a military priority this strategic position is to be occupied, placed under military Control and the first major job is to print 100 copies of every file on the FBI Vault. 

A copy will be kept at the Library of O.I.G., Department of Intel and the FBI in hard copy and soft copy.

Georgia  - A Great Place to Squatter

City of Augusta - Location
They Turned my Blue House into a Nursing home for fake Veterans - Put them out tonight
Augusta University is a big University

The Augusta University College

James Brown Arena

The Inside of the JB Arena
 The City of Augusta, GA
 The AT&T Tower in Augusta GA
 The Library - New - In Augusta, GA
The Parking Lot to the AT&T Building

Corporate NameDocument NumberStatus

Corporate NameDocument NumberStatus

The U.S.C.

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United States Code Classification Tables from the Office of the Law Revision Counsel show where recently enacted laws will appear in the United States Code and which sections of the Code have been amended by those laws.

Purchase select United States Code volumes from the U.S. Government Online Bookstore.

Locate United States Code in a local Federal depository library.
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United States Code

The United States Code is the codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is divided by broad subjects into 53 titles and published by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives. The U.S. Code was first published in 1926. The next main edition was published in 1934, and subsequent main editions have been published every six years since 1934. In between editions, annual cumulative supplements are published in order to present the most current information.
FDsys contains virtual main editions of the U.S. Code. The information contained in the U.S. Code on FDsys has been provided to GPO by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives. While every effort has been made to ensure that the U.S. Code on FDsys is accurate, those using it for legal research should verify their results against the printed version of the U.S. Code available through the Government Publishing Office.
Of the 53 titles, the following titles have been enacted into positive (statutory) law: 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 46, 49, 51, and 54. When a title of the Code was enacted into positive law, the text of the title became legal evidence of the law. Titles that have not been enacted into positive law are only prima facie evidence of the law. In that case, the Statutes at Large still govern. Note: Title 52 is an editorially-created title, and Title 53 is currently reserved. For the current list of titles, see
The U.S. Code does not include regulations issued by executive branch agencies, decisions of the Federal courts, treaties, or laws enacted by State or local governments. Regulations issued by executive branch agencies are available in the Code of Federal Regulations. Proposed and recently adopted regulations may be found in the Federal Register. About the United States Code.

I hereby authorize the United States Supreme Court to review the U.S.C. for all constitutionality test.