The GUY sound, Ohio Players, Isley Brothers, Ready for the World... more....
The Save the World Tour
Ending diseases, placing Human beings in homes
Putting the Union back to Service of God, Union, Community and family
And love of self?
You can sit down
Right to Work Tour
Ending dope addiction
Brought to you by Johnson and Johnson
News update
Huricaine Warning headed to Florida
Pour cement over the Haul Hatch room
Cement will seal the Hatch permanently shut they can only come out at the Bridge.The squandered the money for the sewage and created a cesspool. But they are locked in and the flood caused by lack of sewage will hurt them much more than me on the second floor. This is my Achilles hills but their self destruction. I just assume pray for rain.
Coming to a Town Near You USO Tours
The Mack the Pimp with no whores
Boric Acid and Chlorine needed
Clothing and 5 suit cases filled with clothing
Huwoman healthcare
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