Saturday, October 19, 2019

Operation Interrogation

Operation Interrogation 
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The White Inhabitant is not an issue of
Ebony and Ivory
White means Sterilized and black or of color
means Human
When a person gets castrated or has their womb removed and is moral - by nature they become
cannibalistic. Why?  They crave human protein
because they have no human protein in their blood.  They are Type O' Blood type
I AM AB+ my children are AB and Eva is AB-

In Full Effect and grounds to arrest if not a Union Citizen
Field order #15
Image result for No serpents allowed
Makes it clear nobody with Type O blood is allowed.
Hector Elizondo is John the Baptist
 He says he is O-
WOW!  Listen to my interview and his intent
yet they still do as he says.  Why?
PHIL:3:2 they are condemned
Special Field Orders No. 15.
Headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi,
In the Field, Savannah, Ga., January 16, 1865.
I. The islands from Charleston south, the abandoned rice-fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the Saint Johns River, Fla., are reserved and set apart for the settlement of the BLACKS now made free by the acts of war and the proclamation of the President of the United States.
II. At Beaufort, Hilton Head, Savannah, Fernandina, Saint Augustine, and Jacksonville the blacks may remain in their chosen or accustomed vocations; but on the islands, and in the settlements hereafter to be established, no white person whatever, unless military officers and soldiers detailed for duty, will be permitted to reside; and the sole and exclusive management of affairs will be left to the freed people themselves, subject only to the United States military authority and the acts of Congress. By the laws of war and orders of the President of the United States the negro is free, and must be dealt with as such. He cannot be subjected to conscription or forced military service, save by the written orders of the highest military authority of the Department, under such regulations as the President or Congress may prescribe; domestic servants, blacksmiths, carpenters, and other mechanics will be free to select their own work and residence, but the young and able-bodied negroes must be encouraged to enlist as soldiers in the service of the United States, to contribute their share toward maintaining their own freedom and securing their rights as citizens of the United States. Negroes so enlisted will be organized into companies, battalions, and regiments, under the orders of the United States military authorities, and will be paid, fed, and clothed according to law. The bounties paid on enlistment may, with the consent of the recruit, go to assist his family and settlement in procuring agricultural implements, seed, tools, boats, clothing, and other articles necessary for their livelihood.
III. Whenever three respectable negroes, heads of families, shall desire to settle on land, and shall have selected for that purpose an island, or a locality clearly defined within the limits above designated, the inspector of settlements and plantations will himself, or by such sub-ordinate officer as he may appoint, give them a license to settle such island or district, and afford them such assistance as he can to enable them to establish a peaceable agricultural settlement. The three parties named will subdivide the land, under the supervision of the inspector, among themselves and such others as may choose to settle near them, so that each family shall have a plot of not more than forty acres of tillable ground, and when it borders on some water channel with not more than 800 feet water front, in the possession of which land the military authorities will afford them protection until such time as they can protect themselves or until Congress shall regulate their title. The quartermaster may, on the requisition of the inspector of settlements and plantations, place at the disposal of the inspector one or more of the captured steamers to ply between the settlements and one or more of the commercial points, heretofore named in orders, to afford the settlers the opportunity to supply their necessary wants and to sell the products of their land and labor.
IV. Whenever a negro has enlisted in the military service of the United States he may locate his family in any one of the settlements at pleasure and acquire a homestead and all other rights and privileges of a settler as though present in person. In like manner negroes may settle their families and engage on board the gunboats, or in fishing, or in the navigation of the inland waters, without losing any claim to land or other advantages derived from this system. But no one, unless an actual settler as above defined, or unless absent on Government service, will be entitled to claim any right to land or property in any settlement by virtue of these orders.
V. In order to carry out this system of settlement a general officer will be detailed as inspector of settlements and plantations, whose duty it shall be to visit the settlements, to regulate their police and general management, and who will furnish personally to each head of a family, subject to the approval of the President of the United States, a possessory title in writing, giving as near as possible the description of boundaries, and who shall adjust all claims or conflicts that may arise under the same, subject to the like approval, treating such titles altogether as possessory. The same general officer will also be charged with the enlistment and organization of the negro recruits and protecting their interests while absent from their settlements, and will be governed by the rules and regulations prescribed by the War Department for such purpose.
VI. Brig. Gen. R. Saxton is hereby appointed inspector of settlements and plantations and will at once enter on the performance of his duties. No change is intended or desired in the settlement now on Beaufort Island, nor will any rights to property heretofore acquired be affected thereby.
By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman:
L. N. DAYTON, Assistant Adjutant-General.
— William T. Sherman, Military Division of the Mississippi; 1865 series - Special Field Order 15, January 16, 1865.[2]
Fact I was Conceive in Sandersville, GA
28 June 1958 and Born in Long Island City
Exactly 8 month later on 4 March 1959
it takes 8 month for the Mind the fully develop
Witnessed by the GAY Mob 
File Elijah Muhammad Part 03 of 20
File Elijah Muhammad Part 04 of 20

This speech I was there.

I own the Teaches of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad
I AM Jesus Christ and not Elijah Muhammad

I was hated before I was even both and hated ever since.
White Anti-Christ Organization
An Anti-Christ Conspiracy

Operation Interrogation

President Obama says Torture is being used in Spy Camps
Union will get to the truth by all Constitutional Means
They are all going to Spy Camps in somewhere U.S. in the BOP System
This duty goes to Lt. Gen. W.J. Sigler

And Sonny is now known as Donald Strange

There will be a major announcement on the crackdown of the GAY Mob in Avon Park, FL.  The list is very long and they name a few of their players to be taking into custody for interrogation under BOP System to be charged as spies.

Lorenzo Jones

Lorenzo Alston

1.     Lorenzo M. Jones Alston is T.D. Jakes is MC Marion Funeral Parlor I that big head he cannot hide. Son of Sonny Liston by Rape. He is not one of us.
2.     Annette Jones is Debbie on Order of ZEWS Road the H.R.A. Fraud expert – Food stamps I cannot seemed to get? Inside of my home and would not even give me water. Turn the water off.

                                       Shane Carter       Warren Samuel   Jay Z  

is John W. Moss

Paster Lungfund - COGBF and Oscar Butch Jones aka John J. Gotti
Arrest for placing contracts out to murder

Oh, boy!!!

Big Paul Castellano & The Rev. Frank Paul Jones
To Agent Sammy the Bull is Lt. Gen. Bernard Garrett

Oscar and Spenser are John and 

Gene Gotti 

3.     Warren Samuel is Keith Alston is Jay Z, is Shawn Carter – Is major part of the Jones-town Murder and Jim Jones Investigations.

4.     Ella Williams and Boykin Hilton, JR. aka Rahmael, Fake Farrakhan, Pee Wee Herman and now he says he is Snoop Doggy Dogg, in the name of Steve Williams, in Frank C. Jones home on 206 East 2nd street called Joe Hilton street.

Timothy and Mitchell Ware is Mitchell Obama
Mother is a Smith or Doris Ware? in my CITI BANK Stealing with
Shorty Wright

Sandersville, GA.

MC Smith Funeral Home Murders
The Dope game is the death game

5.     Timothy Shands – is Timothy McFarlene is Barrack Obama at 212 Hal McRae Blvd. In the Rib Shack – holding Q.S. Iliysha being held hostage for ransom.

6.     Elder Fogle is Richard Nixon voice recognition INTEL suggest is Roosevelt and Hitler Children are called Fogle Children now.
7.     John Mitchell is John Moss INTEL Suggest
8.     Martha Mitchell is Mary Smith in Augusta, GA, the GAY hangout is the Salvation Army….
Family Matrix
Rescue Janet Damita twin Today
9.     Q.S. Bobbi Kamita aka Elizabeth is being held in my old apartment in the Lakeside Community.  Was 316 but changed the address. The first apartment going to towards the SRA coming off of I-27 on Hal McRae.
Billie Holiday – Blue Eyes is Mary Elizabeth Jones of 206 East 2nd Street.
She has many children from Chaka Zulu – All her children are from Frank Paul Jones to include her oldest son Frank Clark Jones.
Using names people know.

Queen of UK - Elizabeth Taylor children accounted for – Angela Davis is Q.S. Hillary Queen of Germany and Mary is DBA Barbara Streisand – Sons Tony and Eddie.
Image result for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl
SGT.  Bowe Bergdahl is the staged actor of
Jon B. - My Son 
Image result for fist

Shawn is F.I.S.T
The Immortals

Marilyn Monroe sons – Shawn and Jon – as in Jon B.
Daughters??? Mr. T. Tires? S.S.F.C.  INTEL SUGGEST one may have been discovered – AB Blood type will determine in the Presumption is correct.

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