Saturday, October 5, 2019

Military Actions and Property Recovery

Whitney Houston co-star in the music Video - The Thriller - Not Dead

The laundry mates in Highlands County

$5 bill = 20 quarters
= $60 in USD Currency
Replace the dollar dispenser
On ATM to change dispenser
At $3 per quarter coin USD
Homeland Security Protection and the M.I.B. is to enforce for maximum cooperation and Effect
In Highlands County FL.
All stores selling food will:
Have a register bagger inspector
From M.I.B.

Wherefore, every citizen of the Union must be of service to Union, the basic pay scale for DOD, WAC and MAC is the military pay scale. Perks security issues or ABAQ or Above Basic Quarters and rations will vary from person to mission requirements.
And Homeland Security Protection
Will patrol the whole mall.
Stop the P.R.  the Homeland Security Protection Agency replacing Social security, will pay all Union Citizens in accordance to pay scale as person Unenployable. Wherefore, the is no jobs, just service to Union.

The Secret Service was dismantled due to internal security brief at its highest level. Replace by Homeland Security Protection, making counterfieting law enforcement the the Duty of Homeland Security Protection, the DEA and thier roles in the unconstitutional war on drugs, Homeland Security Protection, the National Guard privatize, Homeland Security Protection, and the great tool is Field Order #15 and the REAL ID Act of 2005, the legalization of cannabis products and the solution to the Insolvent FDIC.

Coin USD and the Commodity Exchange rate kept stable.

Mexico Border is not
Passport required part of
The Union Forces and Favorite Nations
Trade Agreement linking South America Central America and the Islands.
Brought to you by Sports Greats coming to BET

Right now - take everyone of
This type of weapons technology of
Of the Walmart
Shelves and into
Secured storage.

Sports Greats




The Mike-tyson-investigation-assets

Walmart stores Locator

This shit is better than
A silencer to the wak them crew???
Go to all the laundry mates
Cash in the paper this weekend.

The banks know the FDIC no longer exists and using USD coins to establish a strong consumer market is the intent, to, higher learning.
Brig Gen. Chavez P. Jones -- Mexico
Brig. Gen. B. Garrett - Locale 32 & Temp of a new Command in Assault mode in
Promoted to Brig. Gen. D. Siglareo
Law Enforcement
Locale 31
FIST Pre plot Grid
Mr. Lt. Gen. FIST Price on the down low bro
Not fag but not Mr. Bad
Chile and destroy if required.

Bring in 1,000 KG mixed mid, Mid, Dro.
Max sales per 1LB at 500 to 800 per LB
Max quanitity effect pricing
Dro Dro Max 1/4 LB Special order
Normal max quantity 1 oz X 16 = LB
Coffee marijuana parlor
Is the transitional goal
Sell marijuana get more marijuana and coffee beans.
South of the border trading runs based on the S.A.P.P. & Enforced by the
Union Forces.
As of Sunday
The rate of a dime 3 to 4 quarters
From there prices may vary one night say 40 per oz and another 25.

Coffee is about to exploted in demand due the legalization of cannadis - Caffene is used often by marijuana smokers?

CSM Woodrow Geronimo
From the South into
Highlands County FL.
CSM Hank Geronimo
By Rail Kinetic Energy and
Massive Troops Deployment
And Logistical Supplies

CSM Mark Rocker

From the East Coast into
Mid Florida
Stock My stores out of
From inventory from
Tia Juana to Irvin California
IT - FBI Audit - Major NAZI
Infiltration leads to
AMSPEC linking as bankroll
Foreign Operation
Best Buy

Guitar Center


WAC - Col. Maria Theresa
Queendom Sister Luta and Elaveta as Paula Abdul.
Take complete management and oversight of my Wendy's on
I-27 in Avon Park
Jesus Christ, INC
Will not be selling for out
Of Wendy's. But will be doing service for.the Union.

Convert the Wendy's parking lot
Into a farmers market which
Honors the SAPP.

The MAC Crew handles Checkers
Johnson and Johnson Growers

The Johnson and Johnson Teams will
Manage oversight
WalGreens and Walmart Pharmacy
On Highway 27 near Hal McRae Blvd
Now let me inform Highlands County
Lt. Gen. D. Bush was reduced to
CSM to DOT Lt .Gen. R

Lt. Gen. Harold McCrae is the new
Commander of Homeland Security





Mary before Elizabeth
Tiger Woods & Stephon Marberry
Lenox Lewis and Mad-Face - the Producer
Of Chaka Zulu and Bellie Holiday
+ Note
Lori Beau and Maria Carol
Lori got kidnapped of
Chaka Zulu and Lillian is the
DBA Diana Ross
OK a brief
She was called Janet Jackson
But did the work of Stephanie Mills
Then there is ONIKA and Gina aka Throop. Nicki and Nicki? Wow!!!

Jesus Christ, INC

Mary Jill Jones FBI Files

Whitney Elizabeth Jones FBI Files

This Property belongs to the First Union
Jesus Christ, INC.
Queendom Sister: Whitney Elizabeth
DBA Whitney Houston twin Sister is
Mary Jill - the have the same DNA

Person's on these properties pass 2300 hours tomorrow - are subjected forced removal, forefiture of all properties on these location, charges stimming from trespassing to blaaphbla with intent, violations of Field Order #15 and failure to comply with the REAL ID Act of 2005.

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