Friday, October 18, 2019




 ALERT ALERT - Shannem was seen on Delaney AVE about 30 minutes ago.

If she wanted him to know where she was, she could have wrote to him, if she wanted him to have his property, she could have requested Agent NaQuila Clueless hardy to deliver. 

The Movie

But she claimed she did not trust the person, who has the keys to her home and room.  She is clearly in sound mind and memory on all other subjects, it is not rational to assume, she ever wanted to reunite or even be with him. This was our rational to move her into protected custody in a new location..

They said I have to Litigate?

I got custody of all my little ones.  They gave Janet Damita Jones a choice to leave, she I assumed choose to stay.  The Red October is under 935 S. Delaney Ave.  They came to Delaney Ave, with threats of coming in with all the National Sheriff Association, if I do no litigate?
I never got my custody papers, because they gave them to her.  I never got my property, because she has them.  I have not seem them for over a year.  If they come hard, I may have to leave and if so I cannot go looking for her, she might be in South Dakota by tonight.
They can claim, we took her away, because she choose not to be with him and to protect her she was moved.  We told him we must litigate.  If that happens I may never see her again.

But under the law, I can have Union Jurisdiction Law Enforcement, enforce my right to custody, but I cannot make her come home.  She had no right to keep my children away from me any longer.

This may not have been her intent, but it is the law, which she choose to use them as her Private Security, but she has not the right to use them for my children private Security.  Get my children home by close of business.  The reason I have no lights, water and gas, is not indigence, but because I always have to spend my money to protect her in the NAZI Camps.  No more. 

That safe house is designed to keep m out and my house is designed to keep them out.  She can choose for herself, but if she wants to litigate after my children are returned, we can litigate. But if my children are to disappear, Generals are going to have to answer to this.

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