Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Breaking News - the 41st Amendment - A News Focus

Image result for inspector general dod

O.I.G.O.T.A. Library, Los Angeles, Los Angeles 

Security breech at the Blue House
1. The hinges in the front of the house, Gary let me in through
Here when I first came home .
2. The balcony door upstairs, when he changed my locks, two sets had two keys, the third
Set he decided to use upstairs had three keys.
Grounds to search those motel rooms for stuff he stole from me.

All prices in retail stores are to be frozen, at current retail prices, for the integrity of the transaction to currency commodity trading.

What this means to the consumers are great prices at retail stores across the county, for perhaps two weeks or so, until the Inspection of the Union is completed and price adjustments are made.

One penny is 50 cents in MBD
One nickel is 15 MBD
One quarter is 3 MBD
The fine requires a sales agent license to buy wholesale and is 10% one ounce of gold valuation is 2,500 MBD as one ounce of gold is valued at 2,500 BD.
This means great deals for everyone.

Think about it a tablet costing $100 at pricing frozen in MBD will cost a mere
7 nickels = 105 MBD 
Using the Roundup system of accounting. All purchases must Roundup and change is not to be given back to consumers.
Good shopping
The shopping spree gets hot, hot, hot

Upgrades on coin machines will result in slots being fitted to accept pennies.
Please be ethical in trading.

Stay of Execution and all Non-Picked up Purchases
using the Non Insured U.S.D. Promissory notes
are null and void.

Furthermore, due to huge influx of the U.S. Dollar
the valuation of the U.S. Non Insured Promissory Note
the U.S. Dollar is considered junk.

Wherefore, it is valued at
1 M.B.D. to $10,000
wherefore, any purchases made with it is considered extortion
and each .10 M.B.D. = $1,000 = An act of Grand Larceny.
Any Person in any Business owned by
Jesus Christ, INC. which is every Corporation in the World
who accepts this junk for the merchandise or services of any
 Business in the Union - Is Guilty of lawlessness
with the intent to overthrow this Union
Enforceable by the 41st Amendment
of the U.S.C.U.G.

Jesus Christ

MO v. MO
Modus Operardi v. Mental Observation 

A modus operandi is someone's habits of working, particularly in the context of business or criminal investigations, but also more generally. It is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as mode of operating

Admissible in a criminal Investigation

Mental Observation

The Mind is Abstract - Unconstitutional at best, Inadmissible in a criminal prosecution according psychiatry 
wherefore, it cannot be used in your defense.

Open the Baptist missionary
And Eagle Fellowship Hall
"I and the Father are One."
Pride of Avon laid the Stone?
To who do all reverence go to?

Who is Dan Gibbs - a deacon or the Trustee?

Food Stamps the universal Currency for food as of
1 April 62 ABC

ALL Serial Numbers must be verified
and all purchases must be out of the book
and must be used by verified REAL ID
and member of DOD, WAC or MAC
with working papers.
 Enforceable by the 41st Amendment of the U.S.C.U.G.
 Alert. Food Protection Alert. 
At the Church Service Center New Location on the Railroad AVE. Down from the Public Library.
Human went there for weekly pantry the door said open & from 
9 am to 12 noon. He entered the door and a man said we are closed. Then he asked if it is my day can I comeback tomorrow and he answered yes. Then he asked can you check the books to make sure tomorrow is my day. He answered no I am not the books guy and shut the door and human walked away.
If this man inside is not varied, all perishable foods must be removed, inspected and replaced by 0800 Thursday 12 Mar. 62 ABC.

BET Networks - CNN - iHeartRadio - CenturyLink
Image result for steinberg

Digital Audi-Video Workstations
The Future is now - The 16 Core or Dual Octa Core
They Stole everything in my Television Station
they Hauled James Brown on Jones Street
the entrance side into the Broad Street Businesses
The Elvis Presley Trademark


Workstations - @ H.P. Developers
New Lip Sync Technologies for better Music Videos
Watch barrack At It???
What a character he became???
Adobe a Microsoft Company
How Cartoons are Made??
Image result for bose sound system schematic diagrams
BOSE sound is basically Digital Information that look like a audio signal

Admissible in Court
BIAS ASIO BOSE = Digital is a Science

The Binary Codes are a Digital Standard and  not 
processed by the Microprocessor
with Information on the Tape - For future processing

GEEK TALK - Binary Instrument Analog Synthesis to

Analog Synthesis In/Out to

Binary Oscillating Synthesis Electromagnetic Induction Low Voltage at the output
0% Harmonic Distortion
 Image result for bose symbol
BOSE is an Acronym and not a brand 
Binary Oscillating Synthesis (Electromagnetic Induction @-Low Voltage)  
Image result for electromagnetic waves within audio frequency range

Since audible frequencies range up to 20 kHz (or 0.020 MHz) at most, the frequency of the FM radio wave can vary from the carrier by as much as 0.020 MHz.
Asio logo.png
Audio Stream Input/Output (ASIO) is a computer sound card driver protocol for digital audio specified by Steinberg, providing a low-latency and high fidelity interface between a software application and a computer's sound card. Whereas Microsoft's DirectSound is commonly used as an intermediary signal path for non-professional users, ASIO allows musicians and sound engineers to access external hardware directly.
Breaking News - the 41st Amendment - A News Focus
brought to you by:

WMA is Supported already in almost all Audio Products
WMA Supported
WMA Supported
WMA Supported
That's the Best U can do - Steal it ?
Apple Mac?  What's up???
Windows Media Audio (WMA) is a series of audio codecs and their corresponding audio coding formats developed by Microsoft. It is a proprietary technology that forms part of the Windows Media framework. WMA consists of four distinct codecs. The original WMA codec, known simply as WMA, was conceived as a competitor to the popular MP3 and RealAudio codecs.[1][2] WMA Pro, a newer and more advanced codec, supports multichannel and high resolution audio.[3] A lossless codecWMA Lossless, compresses audio data without loss of audio fidelity (the regular WMA format is lossy).[3] WMA Voice, targeted at voice content, applies compression using a range of low bit rates.[3] Microsoft has also developed a digital container format called Advanced Systems Format to store audio encoded by WMA.

Audio Stream Input/Output (ASIO) is a computer sound card driver protocol for digital audio specified by Steinberg, providing a low-latency and high fidelity interface between a software application and a computer's sound card. Whereas Microsoft's DirectSound is commonly used as an intermediary signal path for non-professional users, ASIO allows musicians and sound engineers to access external hardware directly.

The 41st Amendment of the Union State Constitution Under God.
WHEREFORE, anything Constitutional decree, cannot make something deemed to be Constitutional – unconstitutional. Wherefore, the 41st Amendment meets the requirements to be determined to be Constitutional.
WHEREFORE, Jesus Christ and Chaka Zulu are synonymous, wherefore, “I and the Father are One.” The Father being the Word of God, and God being the procreator of Humankind. 
WHEREFORE, God is over Christ and, Christ the head of the husband and the husband over the wife, the U.S.C.U.G., places God over the Law, Wherefore, the law is the Word and the Word of God is Jesus Christ.
WHEREFORE, the Congress and God are not synonymous, the limitations of the Congress, do not apply to God.  WHEREFORE, religious test are not a decision of the Congress and never was meant to be and to think differently, brings forth the question of, is a group of persons with different agendas greater than the only living God?  If so, then one must ponder on, just what agenda is being discussed?
WHEREFORE, the Constitution is under God, who is Chaka Zulu, wherefore, the law is clearly founded on Zulu Traditions and Zulu law and the first law of nature is self preservation.
WHEREFORE, the Union was placed under martial law, the a Constitutional declaration of war, granting war power and executive authority to General of the Army G.O.T.A., IN THE NAME OF Jesus Christ ®.
WHEREFORE, the declaration of Independence, makes it clear marriage is unconstitutional, Field Order Number 15, an order of restraining to prevent violence and abuses to the decedent’s of God and as a result of 441 years of abusive treatment against the children of God, in 2017, God declared that article 6 of the U.S.C.U.G. is annulled. Wherefore, no love, no consummation and no consummation, there is no marriage. The 441 years, bring this decision back to 1576, the Plymouth Rock came to our shores in 1576 and was the foundation of chattel slavery. 
WHEREFORE, there is no statute of limitations to fraud and everything the White Race got from Humankind was based on a fraudulent marriage, under everything is returned, the search for them all must continue.
WHEREFORE, the promise to those who obey the law, is life, liberty and justice and the duty of law enforcement is to protect, the Production process, property and society, it is the duty of God to Humankind to enforce the law, made simple, with Christ is life eternal and without Christ, no life at all.
WHEREFORE, the 41st Amendment is the Executive Authority, War Powers granted to G.O.T.A., without limitations eternally and the Word of God is the Law.
The 41st Amendment makes the Word of God the law and only God can give life, wherefore, only God can take life. God word is the law without adversary.
Jesus Christ ®

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