Monday, April 9, 2018

The Strategic Overview

The Strategic Overview

Spy Planes give map photographs based on Heat Density

Population based on Heat Density

This will give a general idea of the amount of people in the United States and their locations. The May Key will tell you about what the population is based on the heat density chart.

Statistics: During WW II. 1) 90,000,000 Germen and Russian forces froze to death on the front line waiting on supplies from Adolf Hitler. 2) 6,000,000 Jews was said to not have died during the Holocaust.

3) At any given time, 90,000 Americans was listed as missing. 4) 90,000,000 registered voters did not vote during the Trump v. Clinton elections in Nov. 2016. 5) In many towns person voted by proxy via internet, mail and other means while not showing up to the poles. 6) 6,000,000 Americans are disenfranchised in America in prisons and other institutions. 7) When Baker Act, you are considered missing for 2 weeks – the 90,000 missing is at a two weeks cycle. 8) Phil: 3:2 a mortal who castrates becomes a cannibal by nature. His blood type O – missing the human protein will make him crave for human protein. 9) Abbott Labs in Columbus Ohio makers of Ensure produces chattel. 10) Green Bay Packing Plants stored Chattel. Chattel means humans for food - was in the bill of rights and is deemed unconstitutional.

NAZI Afrika Amerika – Far Advanced in comparison to NAZI Europe. The term NAZI Germany is to place the blame of the NAZI Party on Normandy, However, Adolf Hitler was said to come out of Austria – The home of Geneva and the home of OPEC and is a Neutral Government.

The U.S. Map tells you state by state locations

The Prison Map gives you the prison population state by state

State Hospital Chart gives General Locations of State Hospitals

There is a correlation in the population index, state hospital locations, prison locations and the current population density.

Mayor Delaney and his World War II Unit

Intel suggest Mayor Delaney, J. Edgar Hoover, Adolf Hitler, Joe Kennedy and Mayor LaGuardia are the same persons. And at the end of the depression Joe Kennedy walked away with $20,000,000 untaxed.

Adolf Hitler married both a male and female. It was left unquestioned. He was recovered in South America and these documents show this document was signed by J. Edgar Hoover, on 6 March 1946. The FBI knew Adolf Hitler was not dead.

J. Edgar Hoover

Death Camps Locations WW II – NAZI Europe

Watch the Movie Auschwitz

The Movie Auschwitz demonstrates that Adolf Hitler is a Myth. When an agent was said to have killed Adolf Hitler and the news got out, the NAZI Jews – Rev: 14.1 Phil: 3:2 – was going to scatter, run and hide. But the NAZI response of Code or Protocol was to mass kill them and place fear in them to remain loyal to the NAZI Party, Read the Map. Auschwitz a death camp and Germany a huge death camp, while Belgium, France, Switzerland and Austria were friendly territories of the NAZI Movement.

Watch the Movie Ani-Matrix

This movie is a conspiracy film in collaboration between, Time Warner, Marvel Comic, Avid and AOL. It tells you their plan, it was a recruitment tool. Terms like Black Plague – I named it AIDS and this is not the first attack with Black Plague. In Hebrew Create means to brand, I named AIDS in Germany during the Winter of 1976-77.

Watch the Movie American Gangster

There was no war in Vietnam. Watch the scene when the General says, “What would people think, if they knew no bodies was in these caskets. This is the scene when the big last shipment came in. Notice the accent. Richard Nixon is Billy Graham.

Due-G – Brown Dope – Must be cut at least 100 times – Blue Magic

Obama Care – Was it Brown Dope?

Who is the real dope kingpin? The Location is across the street from the K.O.G.

The Queensbridge Project – The Birth-Place of Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu – DBA Jesus Christ aka The Rev. Frank Paul Jones – The Messiah

Read: The Grafting of the Devil – Haile Selassie – Heli –H.S.

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