Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Journey Human - F.E.E.T.

The Journey Human - F.E.E.T.

Faith is like Knowing without knowing you know who you know, but you know, you know.  How is that?

When you do what you do not want to do, but do anyway, get into situations around people you do not want to be round, in situations you do not want to be in, but somehow, you always know what to do and find your way out of it. Be in so much pan you cannot endure anymore.  Wakeup and feel better and can say with honesty, the pain I endure was worth the listen I learn, knowing pain is only a memory, you forget the memory you forget the pain.  Wakeup and see yourself at a junction, knowing your search is for love and you must move on forward to some degree.

And you say after all you endure and still have more travelling to go, "Father, thank you for choosing me."  You know you are a spirit being, but you might not remember who is who, but you know you know.

1. In New York City is the Park Department Recreation.  One is located on 23rd street next the the VAMC.  For $25 per year, you can join and use the facilities all over New York City and take a shower, they I was told have Wi-Fi and an indoor pool.

2. 7/11 is everywhere now an stays over 24/7.  Anything with a bar code can be purchased with food stamps - EBT.

3. It is against Religion doctrine to submit to psychiatry.  Never answer to them. All they are out to do is say you are crazy and wherefore cannot bear arms, placing you at the mercy of lawlessness enforcement.

4. Self Storage cost about $50 per month. If you get a Welfare case open, you will pay for storage.

5. A Human once told me, I do not buy food.  I ask then how do you eat. Soup Kitchens. Know the local soup kitchens and break bread and know the head count. What happened to so and so, he eat here every Sunday.

6.On 30th street between 7th and 8th Ave, right by the MSG and Penn Station is an overnight shelter drop in center. You can sleep there and show there everyday without limits from 9 PM to 6  PM.  Steer away from homeless programs - They often require you to be diagnosed as a nut case and once they get you into that crazy world they will try to keep you disenfranchised until you die and they will kill you with crazy medications they force on people, because nobody is buying that shit.

7. If asked how are you doing, never say fine of good, don't lie, just say, :It's getting better", or "Its got to get better."  Liars end up post ordained.

A Human was eating breakfast with his family and his little daughter dropped her bacon.  She was teething and was just sucking out the sodium.  She went to crying and he felt bad, he worked all week and could only buy one pack of beacon that week and had no more beacon to give her. So her momma kissed the beacon to God and said it is clean baby you can eat that beacon. But they told her to never eat off the floor, you know germs, but she knew she just cleaned that floor real good.  So she would not eat off the floor and cried and cried over that beacon.

He had to go to work at that dead end job and walked out his home feeling really down and out. So as he walked out the door - a man who did not live in the neighborhood saw him coming out and knew he was down and out and asked him, Good morning, how do you feel? and he said fine.  By time he walked around the corner he was post ordained. One lie became 1,000 lie times 1,000 people until everybody became a liar.  Be carful what you ask and in front of who you ask. Do not make a liar out of  friend or have him tell the enemy about what is on his mind or how he feels.

Wherefore, human is the head of Huwoman Christ is the head of Human and God is the Head of Christ.

A human sees on his monitor "A Virus" then a count down 10, 9 8, 7, SO he presses the shut off button to prevent his software from being infected.  He had a choice all the time.  The promise is, if I do what the Father tell me to do and say what the Father tell me say, at the end I will find love. I always had a choice, but I chose to walk by faith and not by sight.  God is the head of Christ and within all who are one in the Father - You are also one in Christ, but God is the head.

DBA Jesus Christ is Chaka Zulu

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