Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Death Trap and the Angel

They are broke and cannot levy taxes

CSM DONOLD SIMMONS - Homeland Security Protection Administration

Lt. Gen
 George W. Bush - Properties and Infrustrure
CSM ARNOLD DAVIS - P&Infrastructure
DOD the is covered under Government Trademark

 Transfer all properties other than .Gov
To charity - the Chaplain of the Union Forces.
Under the corporate name:
Jesus Christ, INC.

Fort Armmagedon Alert
Alert. Alert. 
Adolf Hitler killed his own children due to no Human Protein the inanbility to fight off germs.

He then handed over the County to the Angels of God.  Knowing they were not sterilized - he used JINNS to create sexual ideations in the mind of Angels and then added deception to turn them against themselves by the enforcement of Lawlessness and extortion. Thinking it is their jobs to be tax collecters, telling people they must pay their homage.

This is child abuse in a way, because they all had extended childhoods.
The Human DNA Code

Augusta University
University of Los Angeles
Both trademarks
Augusta and Los Angeles
Owned by Jesus Christ, INC
They are privately owned cities


Protein removes stains
AIDS Victims have low T Cell count
A Human being has human protein in there blood and the White Blood cells carry high amounts of protein. It fights of disease.

Humankind body was designed to operate for 700 years.

Question: if an Angel has human protein in his blood is he sterilized?
Answer: No.

Human sperm transmits the DNA codes
Found in the Human T Cell?

I noticed my son's are having ideations concerning sex.  But they can not experience the actual process.  Why?

They are producers of Human Protein and are fertile, but cannot ejaculate.

Question: So where is this over produced procrestive cells being stored?

For how long can they live if they are not implanted with testicles?

This is the death trap.

In the interim my Angels need to be isolated for sexual ideation stimuli.

The need to implant them with testicles is of an urgent nature.

They plan to mutate from 
A virus to a worm.
A worm mutates.

How can someone act this part?
They made and will destroy what the made
Meaning cut their losses.

So who they plan to mutate

Their tight net group.

Jesus Christ

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