Monday, August 26, 2019

Blue Dough Effective (M.B.D.) 3 Sep 61 ABC

Blue Dough Effective (M.B.D.) 3 Sep 61 ABC
Black Panther Symbol
Fire Support Team - Patch on my shoulder
Death not an option
Born to suffer
Perpetual humiliation unacceptable
No Fear + No Death
Fire For Effect
On my own position before I give it up
King of the Battle
Can be used as enemy advancement
Preventative measure
In Skid Row perimeters

Buses convey speed 75 mph
Distance apart 75 meters
Radio transmission and
Retransmissiom extends RF signals

DOT control I-10
From Los Angeles to Tia Juana
Observation population density L.A
Arttifical fake however downtown L.A.
INTEL suggest major demolition required - a predators design
Like NYC - Preserved old buildings and
Destroy tall ones.

As of 3 Sep 61 ABC - The Mexican Peso will be used as the currency in the territories of the Union, Under union Control, at the Rate of 10 times the U.S.D.

Brig. Gen. F. Cheviz Law Enforcement in Tia Juana, Mexico, collect all the coins to use to verify the paper Currency, which will require a verifiable serial number per note.

Charter 5 to 10 buses to go to San Diego, to convert the U.S.D. into Mexican Peso payable in Coins.  These coins are to be distributed throughout Union controlled Territories. 

Social Security Payment are scheduled to be paid on Wednesday 25 Sep 2019
All payments should be released by Wednesday.
Convey into San Diego is advised to all person planning to leave Los Angeles in the near future at the rate of  1 U.S.D. to 18 Mexican Peso.  There will be a limit per person exchange daily, to be determined.
At 300 U.S.D. per conversion to Mexican Peso, the amount is about, 300 X 18 = 5400 = 54,000 BDP on the 3rd
at 1-BDP - to - $10 exchange rate
This is an economic stimulus in Union territories.

It is suggested to do a lot of spending as much

spending as needed soon after the S.A.P.P.
takes effect, upon the adjustments, pricing of the 
U.S.D. will covert to the M.B.D. Peso for dollar
the reason it the dollar has been over printed
and cannot be verified.
to the Military first
The Burden of the Veteran is on the VET
Every Veteran has been called back to Arms, 
wherefore no person on a Veteran Campus 
is a veteran who is not active duty.
Non VETS are determined to be spies
This is an Act of War against this union.
Image result for Inspector General
The Human Power Program

Daily Credits Earnings Sheet


Account Number:

Address Locale: Zulu Hood – Locale #

Classification: D.O.J. #3704895 – ( ) C S TS ATS: Circle One – initials by Verifying Agent
Daily Work Details – Credit Earned + Assignment Code

Verifying Agent Initials
A. ( )
B. ( )
C. ( )
D. ( )
E. ( )
Verifying Agent Initials

Credits Redeemed
A. ( )
B. ( )
C. ( )
D. ( )
E. ( )

Keep this page with you throughout the duration of your daily Work and Activities and turn in to Agents at the end of each Work Assignment and keep a copy for yourself for you own personal record

DOD: Insured Verifiable Blue Dough Currency Exchange

Blue Dough Currency Exchange – United Credit Union Associations – Department of Defense

Working Papers – MAC – United Service Organization – Prerequisites – REAL ID, Health Insurance – V.H.A, MAC, WAC + Verified Dependent, + E.B.T. Account, + A.T.M. Account -  

Security Detail – Corporation, INC. M.I.B.

Mission Statement

Mission – Purpose – To Develop and educate, Establish  Employment + Placement into long Term Employment + Agenda.
Required Qualifications Union Wide, Verified Union Citizenship + Classifications – Classified Based on Profile + Agenda.

Chamber of Commerce 
Department of Labor

Food Protection - USDA

State of Emergency – Interstate Transport Policies
Citations:Title 38 CRF Part 70.30 payment Principles
Veterans Travel
Military Travel
Veterans Call Back to Arms
  1. Food Stamps Excepted by AMTRAK and Greyhound.
  2. Under the Food Protection – God Approved Agriculture Produce and Meats Association, Both AMTRAK and Greyhound will get 2 for 1 in sales. Meaning if a person spends $10 on Food, they get $20 through the food subsidization system.
  3. All Greyhound and AMTRAK Stations are under Federal Jurisdiction and are placed under Homeland Security Protection.
  4. Marijuana is legal under Federal Law by G.O.T.A. Wars Powers Act and by Executive Decision and the Decision passes all Constitutionality test.
  5. THC/CBD will be sold by AMTRAK and Greyhound and Marijuana as well and on AMTRAK during travel a smoking section will be provided and during travel on Greyhound, there will be designated areas near bus hub for marijuana smokers. It is my advice you stay within these parameters for Homeland Security Protection.
  6. AMTRAK and Greyhound will get 2 for 1 on all sells of marijuana products, being pill and leaf. The C.O.P. Units assigned to any given route will handle marijuana sells. The subsidization to allow this is the legalization of marijuana to allow living wages for transit employees.
  7. State authority over HRA has been removed and food stamp and EBT balance will be update ASAP. The rate of $400 per month in food stamps for each member of a given family and a determimed amount of cash assistance will be announced soon.
  8. Marijuana prodcuts will be allowed as a purchase under the new healthcare system, but much of the current mental health and inhibitors will cease to be supported under the new healthcare plan.
  9. Veteran healthcare Administration Policies will be acknowledged by the fullness of the United States Constitution Under God. Veterans will receive travel reimbursements as based on the U.S.C.
  10. Codes of Traveler:
  11. Code Blue – Veterans the Highest Priority of travelers.
  12. Code Blue Strips – Verified Senior Citizens – Verifeid Disable Citizens
  13. Code Light Blue Citizens Verified
  14. Code Red – Not Verified Persons
  15. All tickets will have one of these codes to determine priority of travelers.
  16. At initial boarding persons will board by priority being Veterans first and not verified last, to assure proper accommodations for all persons.
  17. No State of Municipal entity will be allowed on these transport vehicles for any searches of person on these vehicles.
  18. The right to bear arms will be respected for all veterans with proper authority to carry weapons during interstate travel.
  19. Every military human knows to never surrender his weapon or sleep on guard duty. But AMTRAK and Greyhound will offer courier services for those who may be on board but no assigned as security under homeland Security, wherefore Homeland Security will take custody of such weapons until he reaches final destination.
  20. To further increase services, on Greyhound they will start fitting billboard on the sides of the buses, to reduce cost of fares and increase salaries and services.
  21. Long distance trains and buses may offer stop and stay and relaod with same team services, making long ride more comfortable. Please be aware to follw the instructions and stay away from restricted areas if you get such itinerary.
  22. Federal Venders Licensing will be grants and required by all participants of Interstate
  23. Marijuana sales and will required verification under the new Ministry of Justice criteria.
The CRIP Venders at Homeland Security Bus and Train Stations Nationwide
  1. All Sellers will require a Federal Venders License Approved by Homeland Security and Verifiable under the new Department of Justice – Ministry of Justice – Identification Verification Process.
  2. All Greyhound Bus and AMTRAK Train Stations are under Federal Jurisdiction and under Homeland Security Protection and Security.
  3. The Product line are. a. Marijuana in 10 units cost and ¼ Oz pre-package units, DVD, CD, GPX DVD-CD Players, headphone buds and other merchandise based on demand.
Z10 – per gram Mid-Dro Mix
Z25 – ¼ Oz – Mid
Z25 – ¼ Oz – Dro High grade
Z35 – GPX – DVD-CD Portable Player
DVD – Z7 per
CD – Z5 Per
Receipts will be printed via Wi-Fi Printer systems
Transactions will be ATM of EBT only – No Cash Transactions
All Transaction will be done by Bar-code on package which are the original packaging for record company and distributors.
Authorized teams will be permitted to carry automatic teasers to protect self and property and person in in area of campaign. Homeland Security is the Law Enforcement Agency in these Federal Jurisdictions under War Powers Act.
The Codes on Receipts
Code Blue – Veteran – Unlimited Purchasing authority
Code Blue Stripe – Verified Civilian – Unlimited Purchasing authority
Code Red – Un-verified Financial Transaction – Limit to no more than $50 in purchasing
We will use portable ATM swipes. They will be linked to smart phones.
Sells procedure.
  1. Match Persons I.D. To match the name on the Electronic transfer card – ATM-EBT
  2. Photograph both the person and the I.D. Card
  3. swipe the ATM/EBT
  4. Read Code and tell person purchasing options
  5. Print Receipt
General Order: All these locations are Homeland Security Jurisdiction and if anyone is stranded in a city or location and see these humans selling DVD/CD/weed and will be dress in uniformity blue with the Black Cat emblem – C.O.P. – These humans will help get you to the Homeland Security office within this locale who will provide you with the needed services to get home.
Anyone unverified will remain under Homeland Security Protection until they are verified to be released to their proper domicile or home of records.


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