Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Red Alert Status DBA Jesus Christ Movement 3 Hours Alert Status

Star Wars on Alert Status

The Red Alert Status DBA Jesus Christ Movement 3 Hours Alert Status

By: DBA Jesus Christ - Executive Order and Movement Protocols:

Code Red – 3 Hours Alert Status – G.O.T.A, Movement:


The Green Bay Packers

The Pittsburg Steelers - Stainless Steel Mill - Back in Full Production 
Sandersville, GA. White Gold - High Explosive Fertilizer

Production of 
Ball bearings in the Prison System Known

Highlands County Super-Max - The Nationwide Agenda

The Tyra Tool Government Grade - VVT - Communications Title 47 & The Freedom Act in Effect

Are they really in Control?

When the Lawless became dependent on Digital Technology, DST became an High Level Assistant to G.O.T.A. U.N. Military Forces - For it is their crutch - But cannot do anything with God allowing it to execute any functionalities.


DBA Jesus Christ - G.O.T.A. - U.N. Military Forces - U.S. Supreme Court Justice - God

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