Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Office G.O.T.A. - War Powers - Executive Authority

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The Office G.O.T.A. - War Powers - Executive Authority
G.O.T.A. Since 1777

The Inspector General Act of 1978 is a United States federal law (92 Stat. 1101) defining a standard set of Inspector General offices across several specified departments of the U.S. federal government.
War Powers Act –Executive Authority G.O.T.A.

The War Powers Resolution (also known as the War Powers Resolution of 1973 or the War Powers Act) (50 U.S.C. 1541–1548) is a federal law intended to check the president's power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of the U.S. Congress.

Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of the government  both civilian and military functions by the highest ranking military authority is G.O.T.A. ,especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory.


Ending the Obama Administration prior to the end of the Second Term
And Preventing the Inauguration of the Trump Administration
Which did not take place on
1 Jan. 2017

Proceeded by a Declaration of War against Austria and her allies.
Placing G.O.T.A. in Command under War Powers Act, without Limitations due to a Constitutional declaration of War.
Austria is an innate Enemy to this Union. Due to her Constitution declaring herself a Neutral Government.

Are you for us or against us v are you for me or against me?
Death and Mythology v. Eternal Life and Reality.

D.B.A. Jesus Christ 

Lockheed Martin - Loop Gold Commodity Appropriations 

Lockheed Martin
THE LAW - Anti-Armor Weapons System - Disposable
Lockheed Martin
Will stop EMS
Light Anti-Tank Weapon - LAW

Lockheed Martin
Bunker Busters
Lockheed Martin
Nitrogen Bombs v. Nuclear Bombs - No Radiation?
Lockheed Martin

F.I.S.T. Munitions Appropriated - Based on Plotted Grids

Military Appropriations   

NET Spend - MAXIMUM - $18.132 M.B.D.

Requires Printing of Verifiable Currency
Dispensed at Certified ATM - Under DOD - Oversight and Manafement

The Social Security Administration Appropriated

Placed under the Department of Labor and Linked to the Department of Food Protection
Payments of Un-employ-ability for All Military Personnel 
wherefore, military service is not a job - It is a service to the Union.
This Net Spend Amount is set at the last GDP - Charity End of 10%

Z 1.132 Trillion  Blue Dough = $18.132 M.B.D.


How Payable? 

All persons of this Union are DOD, WAC or MAC
Payments of Unemployable by the Department of Labor is based on
the S.A.P.P., the Pay Grades, the Currency used and other factors.

B.A.Q. and Rations + Food + Clothing + Shelter

Medicine Payable by E.B.T. -  Medical Allowances

Medical Research Military and Healthcare Research Budget

Mission of Next fiscal year:

THE RIGHT TO EAT IS THE RIGHT TO WORK - Rather in or not in a Labor Union

Labor Union Defined by:
Jesus Christ, INC. - The Union First Labor Union

1. End Homelessness

2. Eradication of AIDS, Heroin and Cocaine Addiction
3. Testicle Implantation and development Research
4. Census and Accountability
5. Enforcement of REAL ID ACT 2005
6. Placement of Persons to allow Full Productivity

Fiscal Year Begins on First Day of Spring 62 ABC

New Year Begins on 4 March of each Year
ABC = After the birth of Jesus Christ
Current Year 61 ABC
Birth of Christ 4 March 1959 = ! ABC on First day of that Spring

Working Papers are to be issued by the Chamber of Commerce

with the Office of the Inspector General Seal
Placing a Representative under the Chamber of Commerce  

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