Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Developing Story Andrew Cuomo GAY Prince Bust

INTEL Suggest Andrew Cuomo is
The love Doctor - Dr. Bob Lee at WBLS - 107.5 - The Quite Storm.
From; 12 AM to 6 AM - the hours
Most people sleep with the radio on

Smokey Robinson change Direction a Michael Jackson Career Developed
A Baptism of Jesus Review
Go to the Time Frame
Of 1979 to 1992
1. During the Integration
Dr. Bob Lee - brought Janet Jackson and Jimmy Jam to me at the River Park.
Where was he during the Integration

Paul a woman named Flo Anthony will be doing something for me, don't fuck  with her. She is married to a friend.

Then I hear Janet Jackson married to Rene Elizondo.

I heard she was transmitting out of Central Park. I rushed to Central Park and see her near Dr
 Bob Lee. I spoke to her.
I told her how write Janet Jackson and showed her the Malibu addresses.

Dr.Bob Lee says you got her Paul.
She says you better go see about that and gave me the Proper directions 

I go to Malibu.
Bobby and Ali are about
6 feet 2


Is Tommy Lee or aka Ice T
The Pimp on Special Victim Unit
Where they always get raped?

Developing Story
Chris Cuomo no relations, I was setup

Delaney Black

How to Rob a Black Man PT #2 The R. Delaney Profile



FBI - File Josephine Baker
Very Important to this case file

Bobby Played me. He said the FBI knew who I was, so I could not contact him anymore.  But, I AM the main Investigator and was commissioned to 5 Stars at age 18 in July of 1977.
This put me in a situation wherefore, I could not go to my own radio station.  So, he made it his.

https://vault.fbi.gov/search?SearchableText=Janet+Jackson - 162 File

LaTony Jones was Latonya Watson of
41-06 10th St and he lived in that bulding
he knew her way back when

In the Apostle The Baptism of Jesus, he says to me, things about LaTony cannot give good head, during the intigration and he repeated it again, while she was there.  Why?  When she came to him to fimd me, he told her he would if she gave him head, so to play it off, he ran it by me, to make me think he was looking out,  He was a snake.

When I met with Al Sharpton at WBLS outside the raido station, this was when, I was cut off.
THIS IS WHEN THEY SAID I WAS STALKING MY CHILD AND Q.Q. whom every child she had came from me

See she is not dead as many thought look a  little tighter 
But that is her in the middle

She mothered Toby and Rodney
as in Rodney Jerkins and Dr. Dre + Ezay E
from me Chaka Zulu
Then Oral Brennan now Rene Elizondo II claim my son is dead andn he is his dad
Ezay E Sr.  Get Real!!!
It was a setup ad it happened in Central Park, when Im met Flo Anthony
Q.Q. Evera whom he tried to convince me was against me
1 File in Bobby Lee =  File Melvin Belli Part 5 of 9

This is the File that links the Conspiracy to make people think I AM crazy
Martha Mitchell was the wife of John Mitchell the Attorney General of the Nixon Administration and she literally got away with murder by playing crazy.  The M.M.E. is they make poepl think you are crazy to destroy your credibility as a witness.

I and the Father are one
mu testimony is witnessed by two an Indictment

The Martha Mitchell effect is the process by which a psychiatrist, psychologist, other mental health clinician, or a medical professional[1], labels the patient's accurate perception of real events as delusional and misdiagnosesaccordingly.


According to Bell et al., "Sometimes, improbable reports are erroneously assumed to be symptoms of mental illness", due to a "failure or inability to verify whether the events have actually taken place, no matter how improbable intuitively they might appear to the busy clinician".
Examples of such situations are:
Quoting psychotherapist Joseph Berke, the authors report that, "even paranoids have enemies". Any patient, they explain, can be misdiagnosed by clinicians, especially patients with a history of paranoid delusions.
Patients may be diagnosed as delusional when their grievances concern health care workers and/or health care institutions, even when the patient has no history of delusion. "A patient arriving claiming to have been injured by another health care professional is regarded as a crazy person who potentially could ruin the career of an innocent colleague."[2]


Psychologist Brendan Maher named the effect after Martha Beall Mitchell.[3] Mitchell was the wife of John MitchellAttorney-General in the Nixon administration. When she alleged that White House officials were engaged in illegal activities, her claims were attributed to mental illness. Ultimately, however, the facts of the Watergate scandal vindicated her and garnered her the label, "The Cassandra of Watergate".
Although it has been stated that many of her allegations remain unproven, such as her claim that she had been drugged and put under guard during a visit to California after her husband was summoned back to Washington, D.C., in order to prevent her from leaving the hotel or making phone calls to the news media.[4]James McCord admitted in 1975 that her story was true, as reported in the New York Times[5] More supporting evidence that Martha was telling the truth was published in a 2017 news article in Newsweek about the appointment of a U.S. ambassador. [6]

https://vault.fbi.gov/search?SearchableText=Frank+Paul+Jones - Over 860 files
https://vault.fbi.gov/search?SearchableText=Michael+Jackson - 584 Files

Michael Jackson Death Investigation - File HEARNAP Part 23 of 42
The Reason they want people to think I AM nuts is I have a lot of FBI Investigation s on file

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