Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Conclusion to the Nicky Barnes Investigation

The East Coast Fleets
Begin Insurgencies in Long Island City and Hobo ken, New Jersey

And soft Target in Los Angeles held by Enemy Forces

and Prepare for all out Neutron if i AM arrested by these NAZI Fags


The Conclusion to the Nicky Barnes Investigation – Official Doc.

The Young Face of Nicky Barnes
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The Conclusion to the Nicky Barnes Investigation – Official Doc.- MP-3
The Official Photograph identifying Frank Paul Jones as Covert operative Paul Castellano
The Initial Investigations
The Annulments of all Marriages by his Drug Dealing Network in the Name of God
The Drug Operation Explained
His true Religion – To cause eternal Conscious Suffering to the Spirit World
Faggot Christopher Bush (R) Junkie Brother (L)
Christopher Bush
The Fact Pattern Leading to Nicky Barnes
Joseph Hardy
Joseph H., Joseph C. and Joseph M.
This was their move
I hereby De-Commission the Colombo and  Bonanno crime families, because they are criminals.  Furthermore, I ejaculated in Egeria when I was  about 10 years old. My mother beat her ass.  But when you castrate, you become O type blood.
I came back from Germany and went to visit Vincent “Pee Wee” Bush at his apartment on the 40th side of 10th Street. I got into a conversation with his brother the faggot Christopher Bush. Christ says, Queensbridge was always Bonanno and Colombo territory. I said, no, this is Gambino. Christopher was the faggot who always danced in the park doing the hustle, with a girl, who was Princess friend, I AM looking at her in my mind, but forgot her name.
He could dance his ass off. Me, I could not learn the hustle too well. One day, I dance with Princess and was doing real good, but my hands got wet from sweat and I screwed up and she fell. She said, I will never dance with you again. He friend was real light skin and tall and she was supposed to be dating Mousey form the 40thnside of 12th street.
Mousey knew who I was a n would call me Paul Castellano in the Spot where we would hangout and gamble. This was Pete Green operation. Understand Princess lived above me in apartment 3E. Now Christopher knew about me. And Nicky Barnes was a legend, who nobody could place a face too.
But strangely. The day I was crying, what did I gain before Carl Alston, Vincent was with me earlier. Then about a month or two later, I got a message on Facebook from Vincent “Pee Wee” Bush. Why you placing this bullshit on my page. It hurt my feeling, because I always thought of him as a friend. and another  insult came from Clifford Rocker.
Joseph Colombo
The Colombo Crime Family
The Colombo crime family (pronounced [koˈlombo]) is the youngest of the “Five Families” that dominates organized crime activities in New York City, United States, within the nationwide criminal organization known as the Mafia (or Cosa Nostra). It was during Lucky Luciano‘s organisation of the American Mafia after the Castellammarese War, and the assassinations of Giuseppe “Joe The Boss” Masseria and Salvatore Maranzano, that the gang run by Joseph Profaci was recognized as the Profaci crime family
The family traces its roots to a bootlegging gang formed by Joseph Profaci in 1928. Profaci would rule his family without interruption or challenge until the late 1950s.[2][3] The family has been torn by three internal wars. The first war took place during the late 1950s when capo Joe Gallo revolted against Profaci, but it lost momentum in the early 1960s when Gallo was arrested and Profaci died of cancer. The family was not reunited until the early 1960s under Joseph Colombo. In 1971, the second family war began after Gallo’s release from prison and the shooting of Colombo. Colombo supporters led by Carmine Persico won the second war after the exiling of the remaining Gallo crew to the Genovese family in 1975. The family would now enjoy over 15 years of peace under Persico and his string of acting bosses.
In 1991, the third and bloodiest war erupted when acting boss Victor Orena tried to seize power from the imprisoned Carmine Persico. The family split into factions loyal to Orena and Persico and two years of mayhem ensued. It ended in 1993 with 12 family members dead and Orena imprisoned, leaving Persico the winner more or less by default. He was left with a family decimated by war. Although Persico still runs the family today, it has never recovered. In the 2000s, the family was further crippled by multiple convictions in federal racketeering cases and numerous members becoming government witnesses. Most observers believe that the Colombo crime family is the weakest of the Five Families of New York City..
Joseph  Massino
The Bonanno Crime Family
The Bonanno crime family (pronounced [boˈnanno]) is one of the Five Families that dominates organized crime activities in New York CityUnited States, within the nationwide criminal phenomenon known as the American Mafia (or Cosa Nostra).
Named after Joseph Bonanno, for over 30 years the family was one of the most powerful in the country. However, in the early 1960s, Bonanno attempted to seize the mantle of boss of bosses, but failed and was forced to retire. This touched off a period of turmoil within the family that lasted almost a quarter-century. It was the first of the New York families to be kicked off the Commission (a council of the bosses that helps to maintain order in the Mafia), due to infighting for the boss’s mantle, as well as allegations the family was actively dealing heroin and that an FBI agent calling himself Donnie Brasco had infiltrated their ranks. Later, the family faced shaky leadership, with the acting boss Carmine Galante murdered in 1979 at the command of Philip Rastelli, the actual boss. The family only recovered in the 1990s under Joseph Massino, and by the dawn of the new millennium was not only back on the Commission, but also was the most powerful family in New York. However, in the early 2000s, a rash of convictions and defections culminated in Massino himself becoming a government informant in 2004.
From: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah
To: The United States Attorney General
RE: RICO Act Investigation of the Underworld
Date: 20 Jan. 2017
Department of Justice – File Number: 3713063
Grounds for the Arrest of Joseph Hardy of Avon Park, FL.
Lead Investigator: God – Who is placed over the United States Constitution
The Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah D.B.A. Jesus Christ – Title God – Eternal
Fact Pattern:
I served in the United States Army for the first time under the Jimmy Carter Administration. And my link was the C.I.A. At the time the Director was George H.W. Bush, both are living Presidents, whose testimonies will be allowed and entered as evidence to these fact patterns.
I enter the Army as a covert operative. And served at the capacity since and only because I AM making myself known, do the world know who I AM.
Verified in FBI Files: Elijah Muhammad file 4 of 20
  • 27 June 1968, I was conceived and life begins at conception. Location Sandersville, GA
  • 4 March 1969 I was born. Location Long Island City, New York.
  • On the day of my conception, several J. Edgar Hoover FBI informants reported me to the Chicago FBI Office and on the day of my birth, I was confirmed. It was exactly 8 months later.
  • 4 November 1959 John F. Kennedy Became the President of the United States of America and in 1960, he added, “So help me God,” the United States Constitution by making it a part of the oath of Office.
  • 4 July 2015, the Federal Government duly acknowledged, I hold the title God.
  • File 4 October 2016 and made effective 26 September 2016 The Federal Government Duly Recognized me as the one and only D.B.A. (Do Business As) Jesus Christ, without the trinity requirements. And three officers/director are also added to this document.
  • Latonya  Jones, Alicia Ave Jones and Janet Demita Jones. Thereby they are claimed by me as my children and their testimony will be allowed and entered into evidence.
  • State of Florida v. Frank Paul Jones Case Number – 16-466-MM will be entered into evidence and the testimony of NaQuila L. Hardy will be allowed and placed into evidence.
  • The Will and execution of the Will of Eston Edward Lee Roberts, the brother of Blond Eva Austin, who is the mother of D.B.A. Jesus Christ is to be placed into evidence. The execution was filed on 31 August 2012 in Highlands County, Florida.
  • The Decision by the Court in New York City about 30 October 2015 – Summons Number 4414986227 when I was awarded the Ritz Carlton’s and Marriott International hotel, is to be placed into evidence. And the fact that I AM in a Homeless Shelter tonight, with less than $10 to me name, is to be placed into evidence.
  • These documents is proof of my authority and the clear fact, I AM a victim of Hate Crimes and place above the United States Constitution. And that I and and the Father is in oneness and therefore all my testimonies are witnessed under the law.
Joe Hardy is hereby charged with hate crimes against God. He is aka Nicky Barnes. But who AM I to judge another man’s servant?
But is cover is blown and his life in danger and this investigation is much bigger than him. Therefore, I hereby issue a warrant for his arrest, in the name Joseph Hardy. He is to be placed in detention in Sandersville, GA. There I a brand new holding faculty under Above Top Secret Security. There he will be allowed to tell his side of the story concerning not only hate crimes against God, but against humanity, to include illegal drugs distribution, extortion, murder, kidnapping, child molestation, blackmail and more counts are to be added, to include the attempted overthrow of the United States Constitution, which is Under God.
This is a RICO Act Investigation of far reaching places, the Underworld.
Spotted recently by Jesus Christ himself
  1. Biggy Smalls – Dead - Really?
  2. Pablo Escobar – Dead - Really?
  3. Sammy Bull Gravano – Witness Protection - oh boy
  4. John Gotti – Dead - Really
  5. Robert F. Kennedy – Dead - Really?
  6. El Chappo – Witness Protection - oh boy
  7. Nicky Barnes – Witness Protection is Joe Damn Hardy on Florida Avenue
  8. Jay-Z – Stalking Beyoncé Jones – Drug Distribution
  9. Bruce Hensley – Drugs Distribution
  10. Ella E. Williams – Repeated Fraud Against God - Yes for real
  11. Elijah Muhammad is Lucky Luciano – The Liar of Liars – Exploration of False Religion and exploration of God with the intent to deceive the world.
All these persons lives may be in danger now and therefore they too must be arrested and placed in the Super Maximum Security facility, built to house about 266 people.
John 8: 14 Jesus answered, “Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going. But you have no idea where I come from or where I am going. 15 You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one. 16 But if I do judge, my decisions are true, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me. 17 In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true. 18 I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.”
By the authority granted to D.B.A. Jesus Christ and Title God
Audio Player
God Approved  Message
Signed Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah
Dated: 20 January 2017

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