Monday, July 22, 2019

Civil Law and Child Support and Custody Exchange

Civil Law V. Civil Law

Constitutional Decree:

 The question is about the enforcement of a civil agreement made with the intent by mutual agreement.  Wherefore, civil law is not a decision on a criminal action. Wherefore, a decision of civil intent cannot be deemed criminal unless criminal intent can be proven and for a criminal prosecution it must be beyond reasonable doubt in criminal law and the alleged crime must be listed under the penal code.

The question of child support comes to question.  How can a person be arressred time again and spend in some cases 10 years in a life time in detention due to non payment of civil consequence and end up in detention, unemployable, reduced in the labor pool market, who right to work is not even honored due to a financial setback and not criminal intent.

It is double jeapordy. This is merely a poor man tax and is unconstitutional to place someone especially a someone in detention time and time again, like it is a revolving door, over and over again, simple because said person cannot afford a civil payment, which had to be a mutual agreement to begin with, due to the intent at a given time, is double jeapordy. It is a poor man's tax and the taxation of the people is unconstitutional.

Wherefore, in the absence of criminal intent, no civil offense can be considered a criminal action under the penal code.

Furthermore, the purpose of the U.S.C.U.G. intent is to protect society is the people, the production process and property and in doing so obey the law and the law is Jesus Christ, who is love and love is charity.

Child support, a car payment, a home payment or any payment valued in currency cannot be deemed a criminal infraction unless criminal intent can be proven. Or else, everyone in the world would be deemed a crook, wherefore, there is a lack of currency and high levels of criminal activities, preventing consistency in financial obligations.

Child support is not in itself a criminal act as far as non payment to a commitment.  Also, I ask, how can a person justify, incarceration f a human being, for lack of financial support of someone who is also getting support from the same person.

In fact, this could be considered racketeering, to punish a person to gain HUD funding, which had it been allocated as intended, would not have resulted in persons being in need. Again, I ask you look into your heart and use common sense, child support non payment without criminal intent at most is a issue or concern of financial management or mismanagement and is grounds to educate and guide and certainly there can not be is is not a penal code called not making a civil obligation by mutual consent.

In conclusion under the U.S.C.U.G. the right to practice religion also includes Zulu Tradition and we stand by, "it takes a village to raise a child, Union members have the right to be judge by a jury of own peers and the same institution paying for the incarceration of the so called deadbeat dad, is paying for these detentions which result in the reverse of the intent of the law.  This is unconstitutional.

Wherefore, being the Union is the payer, how did the state become the payee from a person indigent in many cases for non-payment or Extortion fees, almost always without merit.

In conclusion, not only is children support lack of payment certainly by a person due to lack of funds or even mismanagement and often by a person of layman status, is a matter of financial management and not criminal intent.  Wherefore, to arrest a person for non-payment of children support without proof of criminal intent, is to arrest a person on an invalid Accusery, to arrest a person for an act not covered in the penal code.

Wherefore, a judge cannot hear a case, not listed in the penal code, because to convict a person for a crime, every element required for a conviction must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt under the law.

In the absence of a penal code,there are no elements and wherefore, the judge cannot hear this case in criminal court.

Lastly, due to the War Powers Act and Executive Authority GOTA, G.O.T.A. is the sole authority of or to grant any human being executive clemency.  This is the promise of those who fight for thier freedom, the right to life, liberty and Justice, if you obey the law and this is an extension of the right of all citizens in this Union.

C.S.M. M. Rocker is to Deliver Queendom Queens to The Double Tree Hotel In Little Tokyo:

With Accommodations of 1 per bed on the Same Floor in the Same Section::

In the Custody of A.Z.Z. Security Paul-Zula Jones
Upon Delivery - Oral is to be moved out of the Pent-House and into Accommodations Similar in Quality and Services within the Ritz Carlton as that of the Queendom Queens at this end.

And upon recovery - I will hear what has to be said and respond with Due Diligence within a responsible time frame

The list as Follows:

1: Latonya Jones
2. Barbara Jo Jones
3. Janet Damita Jones
4. Alicia Ava Jones
5. Moesha Jones
and all associated Princesses in travel Detail
6. A.Z.Z. Security Team and Detail
7. Upon Reception C.S.M. M. Rocker will return to his duty assignment at the Ritz Carlton. 


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